What are cross-platform mobile app testing services?

Updated on Aug 21st, 2024

What are cross-platform mobile app testing services?

Imagine you have the vision to offer the best eCommerce app to your users. Since you don’t want to restrict yourself to specific platforms, you opt for cross-platform app development thus enabling you to reach out to maximum users. Mobile app development that focuses on developing apps for multiple platforms including iOS and Android is referred to as cross-platform app development.

You invest considerably in developing the app and then after a few days of launch you realize that the app hasn’t done too well and is just turning off the users.
You dig deep into the reasons to find out that app crashes on trying certain features. While you could go deep into the grieving mode, there’s some else you can do. Connect with someone who can get your app tested across the platforms and ensure the quality. Simple as it may sound, but let’s help you know more about it.
Here we go!!!

Why is cross-platform mobile app testing important?

Just like testing other software is vital, testing mobile apps is an essential aspect of mobile app development.
Here is what makes cross-platform apps testing important:

  • It saves your money by identifying bugs at an early stage.
  • Testing apps prevents catastrophic corporate emergencies.
  • As the mobile app is launched with high-end quality, customer satisfaction is ensured
  • Testing helps to boost customer satisfaction
  • Testing provides reliable and scalable mobile apps

Which tools are generally used to test the cross-platform mobile apps?

#1. Calabash:   

Calabash is a free, open-source Acceptance testing framework that enables the writing and execution of tests for mobile app platforms. It is referred to as an Automated User Interface Framework that works by automating the UI interactions within mobile apps. These interactions can include button pressing, text inputs, response validation, etc. With Calabash, you can configure the tool to run on various mobile platforms including Android and iOS. It provides real-time feedback and validations to ensure the development of the right software and designing.

Top Features of Calabash

  • Calabash is a mechanized acceptance testing system
  • Generally used for testing local mobile applications
  • Widely supported by Xamarin and can be contrasted with Selenium Web Driver
  • Offers APIs specific to touch screen events
  • Provides exceptional performance with Ruby, Java, .NET, Flex, and other programming dialects
  • Comprises libraries that allow automated collaboration with local apps.

#2. TestComplete by SmartBear: TestComplete is a full-fledged automated testing platform developed by SmartBear. It enables software testing teams to create automated tests for native as well as cross-platform mobile apps. With TestComplete, testers can record, script, or create tests manually using a fully keyword-driven approach. This phenomenal tool can be used to test the apps for platforms such as Web, Windows, Android, iOS, WPF, HTML5, Flash, Flex, Silverlight, .NET, VCL, and Java. Not only is it capable of performing automated functional testing, but it also supports efficient back-end testing.

Also Read: Automation Testing for Mobile Applications: A Guide to Ensuring Quality and Efficiency

What are the features of TestComplete by SmartBear?

  • Popularly knows as a business versatile testing tool, it is a mechanized functional testing tool.
  • TestComplete can be effectively used to test a wide range of applications regardless of the platform they are built to operate on.
  • It lets you to efficiently automate the UI tests on genuine smartphones, virtual machines, or emulators.
  • TestComplete provides you content-free record and replays the activities to make mechanized test contents or browse programming dialects. These include Python, VBScript, JScript, and JavaScript besides others.

#3. WebLOAD: WebLOAD is a web and performance testing tool that enables enterprise-scale load testing. It operates in partnership with AWS or cloud providers that allows you to generate massive virtual user load through its Load Generation Console on Windows and Linux devices. Developed by RadView Software, WebLOAD is capable of supporting hundreds or technologies with its flexible built-in scripting capabilities. It implements multi-protocol support, enabling it is replicate over hundreds and thousands of load environments to provide an accurate and detailed analysis of how application scales under the load.

What are the features of WebLOAD?

  • Offers promising enterprise-grade load testing with correlation, parameterization, response validation, messaging, native JavaScripting, and debugging.
  • Features an impressive load generation console that generates huge virtual user load
  • Comes with a wonderful analytics dashboard that displays over 80 configurable report templates for root cause analysis. You can also share the results across distributed teams.
  • Allows you to use the tool by integrating it with APM tools, open source software, mobile testing, and more.

#4. SeeTest Continous Testing Platform: SeeTest Continous Testing Platform offers a robust and advanced testing solution for mobile devices and browser applications. It provides a one-stop solution to the entire lifecycle of test development and execution.

What are the features of SeeTest?

  • Live Testing: Covering remote access for mobile devices or web browsers for manual testing, validation or debugging
  • Test Development: Easily develop and debug tests on Android/IOS devices, using our dedicated tools.
  • Test Execution: Integrate with CI/CD tools to execute Selenium, Appium, XCUITest, Espresso tests. View and analyze test results.
  • Project Management: For Project Admin, Manage the project users, devices, application, reports and more.
  • Digital Assurance Lab: For cloud and project admin only. Manage and monitor your digital labs.

#5. TestDroid by CloudBar: Testdrooid is a cloud-based application testing framework that makes the overall cross-platform app development cost-effective, less time consuming, and efficient. It offers one of the speediest ways to test mobile apps across multiple platforms such as Android and iOS that too with a variety of hardware stages, screen resolutions, etc. It comes with remote manual access to over 300 genuine devices fun.

What are the features of TestDroid?

  • Mobile App Testing: Automate app tests on hundreds of unique device models in the Bitbar Device Cloud.
  • Unlimited Device Concurrency: Increase test velocity and confidence with parallel device testing at scale.
  • Integrated DevOps Tools: Support for all of your tools to complete your DevOps toolchain.
  • Framework Flexibility: Support for all open source frameworks with no vendor lock-in.

Get the best cross-platform app developed with Matellio

As a provider of cutting-edge cross-platform mobile apps, Matellio partners with global clientele to strengthen businesses with smooth digital transformation. Being in the journey of innovation for the past two decades now, we are the mobile app development team behind some of the award-winning apps across the app marketplaces. With more than 600 projects on our portfolio, we have garnered immense experience in various industry verticals while honing our skills on native as well as hybrid app development. If you have a great idea waiting for perfect execution, contact our team of industry-leading solution developers right away.


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