How to Develop a Goal Tracking App?

Updated on Jul 10th, 2023

Goal Tracking App Development

Ever thought about the countless activities a person plans each day? Reports suggest that 70% of people fail to achieve these goals. What’s even worse is the inability to strike a perfect balance between several types of goals.

All of this is because of the undeniable procrastination ingrained in human behavior. Besides, the several distractions of modern life are just the cherry on top. They make days merge and sanity slip away, prompting a longing for structure. But desire alone isn’t enough to restore order. And that’s where the demand for an efficient goal-tracking app comes in.

These tools help track and adjust daily activities and keep a tap on consistency. With practical features, they can greatly impact personal growth, professional development, and overall well-being.

That’s why the global habit/goal-tracking app market is anticipated to reach USD 19.41 million in 2030. This huge number indicates the dire need for digital solutions to optimize workflow, improve communication, and teach effective time management.

It’s no surprise. In this fast-paced world, everyone needs an app to track their goals and adjust to their needs. Do you have a unique idea for this in mind? You’ve come to the right place! This blog will walk you through the essentials of goal-tracking app development that fits the needs of today’s modern users. So, without any further ado, dive in!

  • In this fast-paced world, everyone needs an app to track their goals and adjust to their needs.
  • Making a goal-tracking app stand out is possible with multiple contemporarily relevant and advanced features.
  • The process of goal-tracking app development involves various steps, from requirement gathering to launch and deployment.
  • The goal-tracking app development cost involves assessing various aspects like the complexity of features, the experience of selected development partners, post-deployment maintenance, and more.
  • Selecting a professional vendor to ensure your app remains relevant in the changing digital landscape is wise. 

Features of an Awesome Goal Tracking App

There are a lot of fitness, habits, and goal-tracking apps out there. Mostly, all of them have some basic features for the sake of basic functionality. However, many lack the relevancy that can cater to various user personas.

Of course, you do not wish to be a part of this list. But having a niche-based goal or habit-tracking app can pose several challenges. A great way to overcome these is to consider some highly relevant features that target the pain points of most users.

Refer to the below-given features to understand how you can make your daily goal-tracking app stand out. Also, do not forget to partner with a reliable mobile app development company that can guide you on the do’s and don’ts of features with its experience.

Intuitive and Guided Onboarding

First impressions can be the last for many users. Make it count by offering an intuitive and guided onboarding experience. With interactive tutorials and helpful tips, users can easily navigate through the app’s features. Top it up with a clear and intuitive interface to ensure a smooth start to setting and tracking goals.

So, when you provide step-by-step guidance and highlight your goal-tracking app’s core functionalities seamlessly, you can convince users that your app is valuable to them.  All in all, easy onboarding can

  • Reduces learning curve
  • Boosts user engagement
  • Sets the stage for users to work towards their goals with confidence

Brand Customization and White-Labeling

Professionals form a huge chunk of the audience looking for goal-tracking apps.

In a recent survey, only a minority of participants, specifically 42.6% of males and 36.6% of females, agreed they accomplished their career goals in 2022.

Do you want to cover this huge user category? For this, you can offer extensive customization options. Let businesses customize the app’s branding elements, including colors, logos, and fonts. Consider seeking custom Android app development services to ensure this step.

Another measure in this direction can be enabling white-labeling capabilities. They can foster a sense of ownership and exclusivity for businesses when they use your app.

Daily Goal Tracking

Remember, the key role of your goal-tracking app is to make users stay consistent and achieve their objectives. In this light, you can consider features like-

Habit Streaks

Allow users to track their daily habits maintaining streaks for consecutive days.

Customizable Habit Categories

Give users the freedom to create personalized categories for their goals. It can include health, fitness, productivity, mindfulness, or other relevant areas. Ensure users can then track and monitor their daily habits within each category.

Reminders and Notifications

Send reminders and notifications to users to prompt them to complete their daily habits. Allow users to customize the timing and frequency of these reminders, ensuring they stay on track with their goals.

Habit Notes and Reflections

Allow users to add notes and reflections to their daily goal entries. This feature will let users capture their thoughts, emotions, or any relevant details associated with their habits. It encourages self-reflection and deeper engagement with the goal-tracking process.

Gamification Elements

Gamify user experience with rewards, achievements, or levels. It will give users a sense of accomplishment and add fun to the process.

Custom Goal Tracking App Features

Visual Progress Dashboard

Immerse your users in a captivating goal-tracking experience. Consider integrating visually appealing and interactive dashboards. These dashboards can display progress and daily metrics. For instance, if a professional team uses your platform, ensure your goal-tracking app divides the types and numbers of goals and shows them all together. Utilize charts, infographics, and visual cues to provide users with this comprehensive overview.

But that’s not all. You can take it further by generating valuable insights and analytics from users’ daily tracking data. Your goal-tracking app can analyze this data to identify patterns and correlations. This way, you can give personalized recommendations and suggestions for improvement. For example, if a user aims to enhance sleep quality, the app can suggest avoiding caffeine or establishing a consistent bedtime routine.

Goal Journaling

Another outstanding feature is journaling. Users can write and reflect on their progress, setbacks, and lessons learned using your app.

Additionally, if your goal-tracking app is under business use, ensure you leave room for professionals to write about their progress and stay motivated. Journaling promotes self-awareness, accountability, and personal growth.

Motivational Content

If not a central feature, ensure your goal-tracking app’s UX is motivational. You can take the help of an AI development company and integrate NLP, where users will get motivational responses. For example, if they complete their planned tasks, your app should greet them with “Great Job!” “You’re moving ahead!” and more.

Also Read: How to Develop an AI Content Detection Tool?

Virtual Coach or Mentor

Isn’t it great to have a mentor by your side while striving for something? A virtual coach can mentor your users while they strive to accomplish their personal or professional goals.

Technologies like Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence algorithms have now made integrating such tools into apps easy. Doing this for your goal-tracking app has multiple advantages, like it lets you streamline personalized guidance, encouragement, and accountability.

So, if you want to equip a virtual companion with the capability to share tips, reminders, and support, give digital transformation services a try!

Integration with Wearable Devices

Integration with wearable devices is a powerful feature for a goal-tracking app. Now that every other person wears a smartwatch, having their wearable’s data sync directly with their daily goals can offer them a holistic and real-time view of their progress.

With this integration, your app can become a platform that merges health, habit, and activity data in one place and shows it to the user interactively. This will enhance their convenience, planning of goals, and balancing their personal and professional goals.

Goal Tracking App Development Process

Your development process can become a cakewalk if you select the right vendor. Still, preparing to portray your vision right is always recommendable. So go through these simple steps to get a glance at your journey-

Identify-the-RequirementRequirements Gathering

First things first, dive deep into understanding your bigger business goals. This involves bringing all the stakeholders on the same page. Once you have all the thoughts laid out, it’s time to create potential user personas.

Post that, finalize the features you want to keep in your goal-tracking app. Gathering all these necessary details is vital to ensure your app’s success in the longer run.

PrototypingDesign and Prototyping

Next comes your app’s visuals. Indeed, it’s one of the most crucial aspects of the process. For this, you should ensure your user interface is highly intuitive, smooth, and appealing.

And to do this, ask your design team to offer prototypes. Then, finalize prototypes that should resonate with your app’s idea besides being beautiful. When done right, they give you a sneak peek into your app’s final look.

Agile-DevelopmentGo for Agile Development

Though not really a step, it’s a best practice advisable for building a successful goal-tracking app.

So, ensure that your vendor’s development process is flexible and iterative. Let them break down tasks for you into manageable sprints or milestones.

Remember working with reliable professionals will ensure steady progress while remaining adaptable to changes and feedback. Doing this will also let you maintain a healthy balance between your vision and their expertise.

Also Read: Agilt Development- Precision and Flexibility Together

Tech StackTech Stack Selection

Now is the time to select the best combination of technologies and tools to power your goal-tracking app. During this step, consider factors like scalability, security, and compatibility with your vendor to ensure your app performs optimally and stands the test of time.

Component Tech Options
Front-end Framework React, Angular, Vue.js
Back-end Framework Node.js, Django, Ruby on Rails
Database MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL
Authentication Firebase, Auth0, Okta
Hosting AWS, Heroku, Google Cloud
API Integration REST, GraphQL
Mobile Development React Native, Flutter, Swift
Testing Framework Jest, Jasmine, PyTest
Version Control Git, SVN, Mercurial
Continuous Integration Jenkins, Travis CI, CircleCI


When it comes to testing, you will need expert testers who turn the design into a fully functional goal-tracking app. Hiring professionals will enable the meticulous crafting of each feature with attention to detail. Moreover, proper testing ensures the app functions flawlessly and provides an exceptional user experience.

MVPChoose a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Launching an MVP is like taking a leap of faith. It allows you to validate your concept, gather early user feedback, and make data-driven decisions for future iterations. Like planting a seed, an MVP is a foundation for your goal-tracking app to grow and evolve. It may not have all the bells and whistles of the final product, but it provides a valuable starting point to test the market, attract early adopters, and iterate based on real-world usage.

Just as a seedling needs time, care, and nourishment to flourish into a mature plant, your MVP needs continuous monitoring, refinement, and customer engagement to transform into a successful and fully-featured application.

Integration,-Testing-and-DeploymentDeployment and Launch

Reaching this stage means it’s time to unveil your goal-tracking app to the world! Now you simply have to choose the platforms, i.e., iOS, Android, or the web, where you want to launch your app. You will need experts who optimize the app for each platform, ensuring it looks and performs at its best. Pro tip- go for cross-platform app development to execute an exciting and successful app launch.

Feature Rich Goal Tracking App

How to Determine the Goal Tracking App Development Cost?

Don’t fall for the trap if anyone is quoting numbers for app development. There are many aspects a business should consider while assessing the cost of app development.

First and Foremost, Consider the Features and Complexity You Want in Your App.

Decide on essential functionalities like goal creation, progress tracking, notifications, and reporting. Remember that more advanced features like data visualization or integration with external services may require additional investment.

Next, Think about the Design and User Experience.

A well-designed and user-friendly app is crucial for attracting and retaining users. If you opt for a custom design or require responsive interfaces, it might incur additional costs.

Platform Choices Matter Too.

Determine whether you want to launch on iOS, Android, or both. Developing for multiple platforms generally increases the cost compared to focusing on a single platform. Also, consider if you want your app to be compatible with different devices like smartphones, tablets, or wearables, as it may affect the development effort and budget.

Integration with External Services or APIs.

Integrations can enhance your goal-tracking app‘s functionality. Evaluate if you need them with cloud storage, social media platforms, or fitness trackers. Keep in mind that more complex integrations may add to the overall cost.

Your Development Team’s Expertise Also Influences the Cost.

Rates vary depending on whether you take development services casually or opt for experts. Consider the skills and experience required for your project while aligning them with your budget.

Testing and Quality Assurance

These are vital to ensure your app performs flawlessly. Allocating resources for testing activities, including manual and automated testing, will contribute to the overall cost.

Don’t forget the ongoing maintenance and future updates.  

Your app will require regular updates, bug fixes, and potential scalability adjustments. Plan for long-term support and evaluate whether you will handle maintenance in-house or outsource it.

Cost Effective Goal Tracking App Development

Why Choose Matellio for Goal Tracking App Development?

So, when it comes to developing a goal-tracking app that truly stands out, Matellio is the name you can trust. Our expertise in app development, combined with our passion for helping clients succeed, sets us apart from the rest.

Don’t settle for average when you can have exceptional with Matellio. Choose us as your partner, and together, let’s turn your dreams into actionable goals and bring your app to life. Get started with us and embark on a journey toward success. Remember, your goals are within reach; we’re just a call away! 

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