How to Make Your Website Mobile Friendly?

Updated on Apr 20th, 2021

This is obvious that mobile usage has excelled the computer usage. So it shouldn’t be a  surprise for anyone paying attention. This is the shift that people have been using it and interacting with the web, isn’t it surprising?

If your mobile app visitors are experiencing no good, when they land on your website then you are probably mistaken and you are driving away from a huge portion of potential traffic. Smartphones or mobile devices have been a huge part of everyday life that we expect to see people looking at their phones every time we leave the house. People would nowadays want instant access to the desired information, regardless of the place and the type of device they are using to browse the online world. 

Enabling the customers to access the desired information in one go, now has been an ultimate goal and priority of almost every organization across the globe. One can greatly improve business on many crucial levels, by providing the users with much better user experience. So basically this is why it is very essential for businesses to have a user-friendly website in order to provide their customers with a seamless mobile experience. 

So, now the question is, what is a mobile-friendly website?

A   website is a website basically designed to display website content on mobile devices, smartphones, and tablets. It’s optimized for mobile devices it makes for easier and convenient for mobile users to read the desired information and they can also navigate the website they choose to visit. Namely, a mobile-friendly website easily adjusts to the screen size of the mobile and enables the users to find whatever they’re looking for in just a matter of seconds. By formatting the content of your website in a mobile-friendly manner, not only you could make navigation convenient and easier, but also your website download speed would measurably be improved. 

Steps so that you can follow to make you follow to make your website more friendly:

 A responsive website means designing your website in a manner that enables it to change its layout, so it automatically adapts to various mobile devices. Through a responsive website, you’d be able to provide your customers who use their smartphones and tablets to visit your site with the best user experience. A website would include all the information and content on any device your visitors access it on. This is the best strategy to make your website mobile-friendly. You may think you can’t build a responsive website on your own. But, as responsive design has become the norm, so there are many tools available to make it possible.  

  • Easy Information:

You certainly want to give your existing and potential customers exactly what they want and succeed in enlarging your customer base and generating revenue. People are nowadays browsing the internet on their phones, don’t mind taking some time to pause and read the content at the same pace they would want on a computer. But others want to find the information, they would be needing as fast and as easy as possible. Think about the information, that people on devices are more likely to be looking and when they head on your website or put that somewhere obvious and easy to find on the homepage. Also keep a track on FAQ’S, because people also visit your site for that too. It probably might not make sense, to keep all the answers in front but, you should make them easy to find and to navigate. By having an easy informative website, you’ll provide your customers with a streamlined website where they can easily and quickly find what exactly they are looking for. 

  • Turn to Autocorrect for Forms:

As we know autocorrect has made life easy. By using autocorrect users can interact with your website more conveniently. If you have forms on your website that ask for a name and address, one small and easy way you can provide that information to your mobile visitors is to turn off autocorrect for each form field, or else their phone will try changing their name, or could also slow the process. 

  • Use-large Font Sizes:

Reading on a small screen is complicated if the font is tiny. It’s best to use a font size which is at least 14px on your webpages. Its also best to stick with standard fonts. If in case there’s any font that your visitor’s browser might need to download, it will slow down how long it takes your website to load, which is the bad news on cell phones. 

  • Better User Experience:

Once you enable your target audience who are using their mobile devices to access the information on your website and find goods and services they’re looking for in a matter of seconds, you greatly improve their user experience. It’s more like now, the majority of the visitors are now using smartphones and tablets, and are keen to know more about what exactly you offer, providing both the desktop and the mobile user experience should be the priority. Providing better user experience implies higher SEO ranking, therefore providing your users with better user experience will automatically improve your SEO ranking. Also in addition to it, it would improve your search visibility and would help you generate more traffic. 

Summing Up:

For website owners, the shift in how people interact with the web isn’t surprising, but moreover, it does increase the urgency you need to have in making your website mobile-friendly. We know the fact that mobile device use has been rising ever since the launch and these have become such a regular part of everyday life that we all expect to see people looking at their phones every now and then. 

“Keep testing” and “keep tweaking” wherever needed, and all you need to do is continue to think about your mobile users as a priority.



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