React vs React Native: Which One is Best for Your Project?

React vs React Native

Selecting the appropriate technology stack is like charting a successful route in the always changing world of web and mobile app development. Developers must frequently decide which tools are best for creating streamlined and effective applications in the digital age, when user experience is paramount. Let us introduce you to React and React Native, two formidable digital transformation services in the field of contemporary enterprise software development that originated from Facebook’s creative minds.

Which is better, React or React Native? is the main topic of this blog. It is essential to comprehend the subtleties of these technologies in order to make well-informed decisions that meet the particular requirements of your project. The JavaScript package React is now widely used for creating dynamic and interactive web application user interfaces. Conversely, React Native, a React child, has become a top framework for creating native applications that slickly combine web and mobile development.

So, let’s get started!

  • Both use JavaScript and JSX, but they render UI elements differently.
  • React applications are developed with a focus on web standards and browser compatibility whereas React Native apps are built with a focus on mobile platforms, utilizing native modules and components.
  • Both are scalable, but React Native might require more effort to maintain due to the dependencies on native modules and platform-specific code.
  • React integrates well with other web-based libraries and frameworks on the other hand React Native can integrate with native modules, offering more device-specific functionalities. 

Table of Contents

What is React and Why Use It?

React is a popular JS library for developing UI, especially for web application development. Developed and maintained by Facebook, it’s widely used for creating interactive, stateful, and reusable UI components.

Features of React

React, a popular JS library for building user interfaces, particularly for web applications, offers several key features that make it a preferred choice among developers:

JSX (JavaScript XML)

React uses JSX, a syntax extension that allows you to write HTML structures in the same file as JavaScript code. This makes the code easier to understand and debug, as it visually resembles the UI structure.


React’s architecture is based on reusable components. Each component has its own logic and controls a part of the UI, making the code more manageable and the UI more consistent.

Virtual DOM

Instead of directly manipulating the browser’s DOM, React uses a Virtual DOM, a lightweight copy of the actual DOM. This approach optimizes performance, as React calculates the most efficient way to update the browser’s DOM based on changes in the Virtual DOM.

State Management

React’s state management allows for dynamic content in the UI. The state of a component controls its behavior and how it renders. When the state changes (due to user actions, for instance), the component responds by re-rendering.

Props (Properties)

Props are how data is passed from one component to another, particularly from parent to child components. They are read-only and allow for dynamic rendering of components.

Lifecycle Methods

React JS applications components have lifecycle methods that are executed at specific points during a component’s existence in the DOM, such as creation, updating, and destruction. These methods are essential for performing certain actions like fetching data or manually changing the DOM.


Introduced in React 16.8, hooks allow you to use state and other React features without writing a class. Hooks like useState and useEffect make function components as powerful as class components.

Declarative UI

React allows developers to create declarative UIs. Instead of manually manipulating the DOM and keeping track of the state of the application, you describe the UI as a function of the state. The library takes care of updating the UI when the state changes.

Strong Community and Ecosystem

React has a huge community of developers and an indeed rich ecosystem of libraries, tools, and extensions. This means a wide range of resources, from reusable components to advanced state management solutions (like Redux).

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Where to Use React? Top Use Cases!

Following are some top use cases of reactJS applications: –

Single Page Applications (SPAs)

React is ideal for developing SPAs where the majority of interactions happen on a single web page. It enhances user experience by avoiding constant page reloads.

Interactive User Interfaces (UIs)

For applications requiring dynamic and responsive UIs, React’s component-based structure allows for efficient UI updates and state management.

Complex Web Applications

React can handle complex applications with multiple components and varying states, especially where performance and user experience are key.

Web Applications with Reusable Components

Projects that benefit from UI consistency and reusability across different parts of the application. React’s component-based architecture makes it easier to reuse code.

Real-Time Data Updates

Applications like trading platforms or live sports scores where data needs to be updated in real-time without refreshing the page.

Content Management Systems (CMS)

For backend systems of websites, React can be used to create intuitive interfaces for content management.

E-commerce Sites

React’s ability to handle dynamic content and user interactions efficiently makes it suitable for building smooth and fast e-commerce platforms.

Social Media Platforms

Platforms requiring real-time updates, interactive features, and scalable UIs can leverage React’s capabilities, as seen with Facebook.

Data Visualization Dashboards

Dashboards that display changing data, graphs, and interactive charts can be efficiently built using React.

Mobile Web Applications

React can be used to create web applications that offer a near-native experience on mobile devices.

SEO-Friendly Websites

Though traditionally challenging for JavaScript frameworks, React can be used for building SEO-friendly websites, especially when combined with server-side rendering.

Educational Platforms and Online Courses

Interactive educational websites and platforms benefit from React’s dynamic content management capabilities.

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs)

React for enterprise solutions development offer a high-quality, app-like experience on mobile and desktop devices.

Pros and Cons of React JS!

React JS offers several benefits in app development, making it a popular choice among developers:

Component-Based Architecture

React JS application’s modular structure allows for reusable components, leading to more manageable and maintainable code. This architecture facilitates the development of complex applications with more straightforward, cleaner codebases.

Virtual DOM

React JS uses a Virtual DOM, which optimizes rendering and improves applications performance. This means you can hire dedicated developers so they can update changes in an application without rewriting the entire HTML document, leading to faster and more efficient updates.

Declarative UI

React JS declarative nature makes it easier to understand and predict how the UI will look in different states. It simplifies the debugging process and makes the code more readable.

Strong Community Support

With a vast and active community, React JS applications benefit from a wealth of resources, and third-party tools. This community support ensures continuous improvement and a libraries and frameworks that can be integrated with React.

SEO Friendly

Unlike many other JavaScript frameworks, React JS can indeed run on the server, rendering the virtual DOM to the browser as a regular webpage. This feature is crucial for SEO because it enables search engines to index the content of React applications more efficiently.

Flexibility and Integration

React can indeed be used with other libraries or frameworks, such as Redux for state management or React Router for navigation, giving developers flexibility in choosing the digital transformation services that best suit their project needs.

Ease of Learning

React’s simplicity, especially compared to other front-end frameworks, makes it relatively easy to learn. Its component-based architecture and the use of JSX (a syntax that resembles HTML) contribute to its approachability.

Strong Corporate Backing

Supported by Facebook, React is continuously updated and maintained, ensuring its longevity and relevance in the tech industry.

Widespread Usage

Many leading companies use React for their applications, which speaks to its reliability and scalability. This widespread adoption also means that hire React developers with React skills is in high demand.

JavaScript Library

Being a JavaScript library, it’s easy for JavaScript developers to start using React, leveraging their existing knowledge of the language.

Moving ahead, let’s discuss,

What is React Native?

React Native is indeed a framework for building native mobile apps using JavaScript and React. It’s developed by Facebook and enables the creation of applications for iOS and Android using a single codebase.

The core idea behind React Native is “Learn once, write anywhere.” This contrasts with the “write once, run anywhere” approach of some other cross-platform frameworks. React Native focuses on maintaining high performance and a native feel while sharing as much code as possible between platforms.

Features of React Native

Here are its key features:

Cross-Platform Development

Write once, run anywhere. Hire react native developers for both iOS/Android mobile apps, significantly reducing development time and cost.

Native Performance

Unlike other cross-platform frameworks that use web views, React Native applications renders using real, native views, which results in excellent performance comparable to native applications.

React Principles

It leverages React’s core principles like JSX (a syntax extension to JavaScript), components, state management, and props for handling data.

Hot Reloading

This feature enhances the react native application development process by instantly reflecting code changes in the app without needing a full rebuild, making it faster to test new features and fixes.

Component-Based Structure

React Native uses a component-based architecture, which means you can hire react native developers to build apps with encapsulated components that manage their own state, then compose them to make complex UIs.

Rich Ecosystem

It benefits from the rich ecosystem of JavaScript and React, including a vast array of libraries and tools for development, testing, and debugging.

Native Modules

If needed, React Native allows developers to code some parts of the app using native code to optimize performance or utilize platform-specific functionality.

Community and Support

React Native has a strong community, with abundant resources, tutorials, and third-party plugins. This community-driven environment accelerates problem-solving and innovation.

Modular and Intuitive Architecture

The modular nature of React Native makes it easy to upgrade and update applications. The intuitive architecture simplifies the process for developers to understand and dive into someone else’s project.

Access to Native Features

It provides access to native functionalities like camera, GPS, and accelerometer, allowing for a more comprehensive user experience.

Live Updates

Developers can push updates to users’ devices directly, bypassing the app store update cycle. This feature is enabled through the JavaScript bundle that can be updated on the fly.


React Native is flexible enough to integrate with existing native applications. This means parts of an app can be written in React Native, and parts can remain native.

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Use Cases of React Native

React Native is a powerful framework for mobile app development, and its use cases span a variety of scenarios where the unique strengths of React Native are particularly beneficial. Here are some common use cases:

Cross-Platform Mobile Apps

React Native is ideal for developing applications that need to run on both iOS and Android. This is because it allows for a single codebase, significantly reducing development time and costs compared to native development for each platform.

Applications Requiring a Native Look and Feel

For projects where the app needs to have a native appearance and user experience, React Native provides access to native UI components, allowing the app to look and feel like a native application.

Rapid Prototyping

The framework is well-suited for rapid prototyping of mobile applications. Its efficient development capabilities enable quick iterations, which is crucial for startups and companies looking to quickly bring a product to market.

Apps with Moderate Complexity

React Native is a good choice for applications with moderate complexity, including standard react native applications features like cameras, geolocation, network status, etc. Its ability to integrate with native modules makes it versatile.

Social Media Platforms

Given its efficiency in handling real-time data and user interactions, React Native is suitable for social media applications where a seamless user experience across devices is essential.

E-commerce Apps

For e-commerce platforms that require a consistent and engaging user experience across multiple devices, React Native enables the creation of smooth and responsive interfaces.

Content-focused Applications

Applications that primarily deliver content, such as news or blogs, benefit from React Native’s efficient data rendering and smooth user experience.

Lifestyle and Entertainment Apps

For apps that focus on lifestyle, entertainment, or daily activities, React Native offers the flexibility and performance needed to create engaging and interactive experiences.

Enterprise Applications

Businesses seeking to develop internal apps for operational or HR purposes can use React Native to ensure compatibility across various devices used within the organization.

Updates and Maintenance

React Native’s hot reloading and over-the-air updates make it an attractive option for apps that require frequent updates, as it can reduce the downtime and user disruption associated with app updates.

Key Differences between React vs React Native

Understanding the differences between React and React Native is important for businesses to make informed decisions about their web and mobile application development strategies. React, a JavaScript library, and React Native, a mobile app framework, share some similarities but are designed for different purposes.

React vs React Native: Core Purpose and Platform

React: Primarily used for building web applications. It’s a JS library that enables developers to build dynamic and more responsive user interfaces for web platforms.

React Native: A framework for developing mobile apps. It extends React’s principles to mobile app development, enabling the creation of native apps for iOS and Android using JavaScript.

React Native vs React JS: Development Environment and Tools

React: Utilizes web development tools and environments, focusing on browsers as the execution environment. It often integrates with other libraries for routing, state management, etc.

React Native: Involves a mobile development environment. It requires additional setup for mobile SDKs and emulators/simulators for iOS and Android testing.

React vs React Native: User Interface Components

React: Uses HTML and CSS for rendering components in the web browser. React’s virtual DOM optimizes rendering and updates to the UI.

React Native: Uses native components that correspond to native iOS and Android UI elements. This results in a more authentic mobile user experience compared to typical web-based UI.

React Native vs React JS: Performance

React: Optimized for web performance, React’s virtual DOM minimizes the impact of frequent UI updates.

React Native: Provides near-native performance for mobile apps. It leverages native APIs and components, ensuring smoother performance on mobile devices.

React vs React Native: Language and Syntax

React and React Native: Both use JavaScript and JSX (JavaScript XML) for structuring the UI components. However, React Native includes additional syntax and components specific to mobile development.

React Native vs React JS: Community and Ecosystem

React: Has a vast ecosystem with a plethora of libraries and tools for web development. It’s well-established in the web development community.

React Native: Although it has a strong community, it’s more niche compared to React. The ecosystem around mobile-specific libraries and tools is continuously growing.

React vs React Native: Styling

React: Uses CSS or CSS-in-JS solutions for styling. 

React Native: Employs a styling system that mimics CSS but is JavaScript-based, using a StyleSheet object to style components.

React Native vs React JS: Platform-Specific Code

React: Primarily platform-agnostic as it’s meant for web browsers. 

React Native: Allows for platform-specific code to handle different behaviors and appearances on iOS and Android.

React vs React Native: Use Cases

Where to Use React?

React, primarily designed for building dynamic and high-performance user interfaces for web applications, is best used in the following scenarios:

Single-Page Applications (SPAs)

React is ideal for SPAs where the need for a fast, interactive user experience is key. In SPAs, content is loaded dynamically, and React’s efficient update and rendering system make it a strong choice.

Complex Interactive Web UIs

If your project involves a complex user interface with interactive features and real-time data updates, React’s component-based architecture makes it indeed easier to manage and scale the UI.

High Traffic Web Applications

For websites or web applications expected to handle high traffic, React’s virtual DOM ensures efficient performance under load.

SEO-Friendly Web Apps

Despite being a JavaScript framework, React can be rendered server-side, making it a good choice for applications where search engine optimization (SEO) is a priority.

Cross-Platform React JS Application Development

If you aim to maintain a consistent look and feel across web and mobile (using React Native), starting with React for the web makes the transition smoother.

Projects with Dynamic Data Management

Applications requiring frequent and dynamic updates to the UI, like real-time data dashboards or interactive forums, benefit from React’s state management and re-rendering capabilities.

Reusable Component Architecture

In projects where you anticipate reusing UI components across different parts of the application or even across different projects, React’s modular component structure is highly beneficial.

Large Projects with a Strong Developer Community

React’s large community and ecosystem mean extensive resources and libraries are available, which is particularly advantageous for large or complex projects.

Learning and Skill Development

For developers and teams looking to build skills in a technology that is widely used and applicable across a range of projects, learning React is valuable due to its popularity and demand in the industry.

Where to Use React Native?

Using React Native is particularly advantageous in several scenarios:

Cross-Platform React JS Application Development

When the goal is to build a mobile application for both iOS and Android platforms. React Native allows for a single codebase, reducing development time and costs.

Native App Feel

If you need an app that has a native look and feel. React Native renders real native UI elements, providing a user experience that is close to native apps.

Resource Optimization

Ideal for teams already familiar with JavaScript and React. It enables them to leverage their existing knowledge without needing to learn new languages like Swift or Kotlin for mobile development.

Rapid Prototyping

React Native is great for quickly developing a functioning prototype. Its hot reloading feature allows developers to see changes immediately, speeding up the development process.

Shared Logic with Web Applications

If you already have a web app developed using React, much of the logic can be reused for a mobile app with React Native, creating a consistent experience across platforms.

Availability of Plugins and Libraries

Use it when you want to benefit from a wide range of community-driven plugins and libraries, which can significantly speed up development.

Moderate Performance Requirements

While React Native indeed offers good performance for most applications, it’s ideal when the app doesn’t require heavy computation or complex animations that might be better handled by a fully native approach.

Budget Constraints

Suitable for projects with limited budgets that cannot afford separate development teams for iOS and Android.

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React VS React Native

React Native vs React: Making the Choice!

When deciding between React and React Native, several key factors should be considered to determine which technology is best suited for a specific project. You can partner with professional technology consulting services like Matellio to get proper guidance according to your specific business requirements.

React Native vs React JS: Project Scope and Target Platform

React is ideal for web applications. If your project is a website or a web application, especially one that requires a dynamic and interactive user interface, React is the way to go.

React Native is designed for mobile app development. Choose React Native when you need to develop a mobile application for platforms like iOS and Android and want to leverage the same codebase for both.

React vs React Native: Performance Requirements

React, being a web technology, is optimized for browsers and leverages web performance optimization techniques.

React Native, while offering near-native performance, may sometimes lag behind purely native apps in terms of performance, especially for graphically intensive or computation-heavy applications.

React Native vs React JS: Development Resources and Expertise

If your development team is proficient in web development with a strong background in JavaScript, React might be more straightforward for them to adopt.

For React Native, while JavaScript knowledge is a plus, familiarity with mobile development concepts and platform-specific nuances is beneficial.

React vs React Native: UI/UX Requirements

React uses HTML/CSS for layout and styling, which is more suitable for complex web-based UIs.

React Native uses native components for UI, which provides a look and feel that is consistent with native iOS and Android applications. This is crucial if you want your app to have a native user experience.

React Native vs React JS: Code Reusability and Maintenance

With React, you can share some logic with a React Native mobile app but not the UI components.

React Native enables for a high degree of code reusability across iOS and Android, reducing the time and cost of developing and maintaining two separate apps.

React vs React Native: Community and Ecosystem

Both have strong communities and ecosystems, but the tools, libraries, and support available may vary. React’s ecosystem is vast for web development, while React Native’s ecosystem is more focused on bridging the gap between web and mobile.

React Native vs React JS: Time-to-Market and Budget

React might allow for faster development if the project is web-based due to its mature ecosystem.

React Native can be more cost-effective for mobile development, especially if targeting multiple platforms, as it reduces the need to develop separate codebases for iOS and Android.


The decision between React and React Native largely depends on the nature of your project and technology consulting services, the platforms you are targeting, your team’s expertise, and your specific performance and user experience requirements. React is more suitable for building high-performance, complex web applications, while React Native is tailored for creating mobile applications that require a native look and feel across multiple platforms. React and React Native, each powerful in their respective domains of web and mobile app development, offer a modern approach to building applications.


React JS is mainly used for developing web applications, while React Native is designed for building cross-platform mobile applications for iOS and Android.

React JS offers high performance for web applications due to its virtual DOM system. React Native also provides strong performance for mobile apps but can be slightly less efficient than native code as it bridges JavaScript code with native view components.

Yes, the development environments are different. React JS requires a web development environment, typically set up with tools like Webpack and Babel. React Native requires a mobile development environment, which includes setting up Android Studio or Xcode for mobile app development.

React JS is best suited for dynamic, high-performance web applications. React Native is ideal for mobile applications where a single codebase can be used to target multiple platforms, but native performance and capabilities are still a priority. 

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