Website should be no exception. If there is clarity in your goals and objectives related to the market place, and you’ve successfully planned the concrete business strategy, it won’t fail. Marketing departments, in general, want the company’s website should be concrete, attract and able to engage more prospects. Generate more leads and supports the company’s logo. Any startup would require real efforts and equally much amount of time. When planning a website it’s understood that you want to now jump ahead and brainstorm your ideas for more advanced features, goals. But setting advanced features and graphics should not be your initial stage. You should first list the goals and objectives rather for the site.
A successful site would require, loads of planning, effective and sustainable market strategies, presenting a collection of products and services, images, videos etc. and obviously, the marketing goals will differ in reference to the nature of the work you do. Start by listing website goals and objectives that fit your marketing strategies.
This year you could get a great opportunity to take some steps and some time out of your business to reflect and review, evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies, it could help you set your sights on new goals and objectives for the year and help you set yourself up for business success. Always remember, your goals should form a part of your business plan and would likely become your business objectives.
1- Generate Leads
The main purpose of any business is to generate leads. This implies for the companies who wants to generate more sales leads by improving their marketing performance. So that you could measure the sales lead increase, it is recommended to set a percentage rate increase. Also, you need to make sure to track qualified leads. In this case you need to capture the potential customers, moreover, if you want your site to convert leads, online purchases, new subscribers, in-store purchases are some of the examples. In case if you want your site to inform about your services to your potential buyers, as in you may want to show what are you talking about, so provide them information about the topic.
2- Improve Lead Conversion Rates
Essentially, your conversion rate is a percentage of people that convert on your site. So, by enhancing the conversion rate you can get better advantage of your marketing efforts and traffic. This goal could also measure the changes in the quality of traffic. Some companies set this goal, who actually wants to focus on the website’s ability to convert and also focuses on the inbound (content) marketing campaigns. For this type of goal, it is very important to know about your website’s current conversion rate. Some ways you could have are for instance:- use catchy C.T.A (calls to action), create an effective and clear sales funnel, etc. Also to make it more appealing, remove unnecessary distractions on your site. Enhance visitors by providing them information about your company, why your products and services are unique, authentic and valuable.
3- Increase Awareness
Increasing awareness is one of the most common goals that I see business owners make. This goal measures how effective your website is, when it comes to educating your users about your new products or services, even when you are not inevitably “selling” online. You can use descriptive links that inform people what they are clicking on, rather than phrases like ‘’read more’’ or useful headers to describe the content that follows. Moreover, you need to make sure that your goals are a part of your overall marketing and website strategy. They should be stepping in the direction of accomplishing your business goals.
4- Generate More Sales
One of the most popular and legitimate goals of e-commerce websites that sell products online, is best for companies who want to enhance their sales. If you’re planning to grow business, generating sales is probably permanently at the top of your mind. Similar to lead increase goals, there must be objectives and KPI’s behind this goal. For the majority of these, you will need to set up goals and analytics. Though, I recommend setting a certain percentage rate increase (in %) as opposed to an absolute sales amount. This will account for seasonal sales fluctuations and will allow for more meaningful historical comparisons.
5- Generate and Increase Your Email Subscribers
Though we’re aware, e-mail subscribers gives a great opportunity to keep the existing visitors and newbies informed, so you need to encourage sales, try and continue to communicate with potential customers. It could be effective in terms of sales increment. To use your website to capture a specific number of emails could be a great goal as well. This can be done by offering your site visitors some valuable tutorials, a coupon code, an e-book etc. Whatever may apply to your business.
6- Enhance Social Mentions
Peculiarly, social mentions are the conversations and gossips happening about your site on social media. Some ways to do the same could be:- you can add a click to tweet option to make easy for the users to tweet a relevant and sharable snippet from your blog posts, create more calls to action that would encourage your visitors to share your posts on social media.
Above all, you need to remember that goals may vary depending on your industry, your products and services, and also where your site is currently and other factors. They obviously should be in the direction of accomplishing your business goals and objectives.