How Much Does It Cost to Develop AI Based Healthcare App?

Updated on Dec 8th, 2023


The healthcare industry’s evolution in the digital era has been rapid and transformative, with technology playing an influential role in shaping how healthcare services are delivered. The healthcare industry has undergone significant changes in the digital era, with technology playing a major role in improving the delivery of healthcare services. 

The continued evolution of the healthcare industry in the digital era will likely bring further advancements and improvements in patient care. The AI health app used in the healthcare industry is one great example showcasing the technological growth of this industry.

An application driven by artificial intelligence is a mobile or web-based application that utilizes artificial intelligence algorithms and technologies to improve the delivery of healthcare services. These apps can potentially revolutionize healthcare providers’ delivery of services. With the help of AI algorithms, not only the patient data can be analyzed to make an accurate prediction about their health. But also, the repetitive tasks can be automated, reducing the workload for healthcare providers. 

Healthcare app development using AI is being adopted rapidly across the world. The global market reports also showcase that healthcare AI was valued at $15.4 billion in 2022. It was anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 37.5% from 2023 to 2030. (SOURCE) 

So, if you wish to develop an AI-driven application for your business and need assistance, well, you are at the right place! This blog will give you an insight into every vital concept related to developing such an app. It will also help you consider the budget needed for this project. 

So, let’s begin!

  • Artificial intelligence-driven applications are changing the healthcare industry landscape, and the growing market size proves the same. 
  • Multiple factors affect the development cost of AI-based healthcare applications, including types of AI technologies, features to be integrated within, platforms for development, and much more. 
  • The average cost range of the healthcare application can differ from the type of application you wish for your business.   
  • The advantages of choosing AI health apps for your business include improving patient outcomes, increasing efficiency in the healthcare processes, enhancing decision-making capabilities, and much more.  
  • AI-powered healthcare application development can be challenging to integrate it with the current healthcare systems, data security, standardization of the data format, and much more.  

Factors Affecting the Cost of Developing an AI-based Healthcare App 

It is not easy to finalize the budget for healthcare applications. Leveraging AI development services is just one step of this process. There is a plethora of other factors that you need to consider. Here we have mentioned a few vital one’s for you: 

Factors Affecting the Cost of Developing an AI-based Healthcare App

Type of AI Technologies

The different AI technologies can influence the cost of developing an AI-driven healthcare application.

Machine Learning (ML) 

It must be data-driven if your application has Machine learning (ML) algorithms. This requires a large amount of training for the data to be effective. The cost needed for the training data process can be one crucial turning point in defining your overall cost of development for the AI health app.  

Also Read: How Is Machine Learning Transforming Healthcare?

Natural Language Processing (NLP) 

The algorithms of NLP are used for analyzing a large amount of text data, such as electronic health records. Developing these algorithms can be time-consuming and complex; thus, the development cost is affected.  

Deep Learning (DL) 

Moving forward, we have Deep learning (DL), an algorithm that can be used for various tasks, including speech and image recognition. This algorithm is resource-intensive and can be complex, influencing your development budget.  

Computer Vision (CV) 

AI in mobile apps can also use computer vision algorithms which can be used to process and analyze images, including X-rays and medical scans. As high-quality image data needs to be processed, developing this algorithm can be complex and challenging, considering the significant cost involved.  

It’s important to carefully consider the types of AI technologies used in developing an AI-based healthcare app to ensure that the final product is effective and cost-efficient. 

Also Read: How AI-based Computer Vision is Transforming Healthcare?

Platform (iOS, Android, Web)  

The significance of different platforms for app development depends on the target audience and the features desired in the app. Each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of platform should be based on the specific needs and goals of the app. For custom mhealth app development you hire the developers for creating a personalized and tailored mobile health app as per your requirement. 

But the most crucial step is to choose the platform for your application development. The choice of platform will depend on the specific requirements of the healthcare app, including the target audience, budget, and desired features. The choice of platform (iOS, Android, or web) can have a significant impact on the cost of developing an AI-based healthcare app. 

To begin with, the diverse platforms in app development come with varying development environments, tools, and skill requirements, which can directly impact the overall cost of development. For instance, iOS development necessitates proficiency in languages like Objective-C or Swift. On the other hand, Android development relies on proficiency in Java. 

More time involved will ultimately cost a bit more money, same is applicable for developing the application with these platforms individually. The time required to develop an app for a specific platform can vary depending on the complexity of the project and the skills of the development team. iOS development can sometimes be faster and more streamlined, while Android development can be more complex and time-consuming due to the wide range of devices and screen sizes that must be supported.

The AI app development cost for the healthcare sector will also vary considering its deployment cost. The deployment of the app on different platforms will vary the cost associated with it, such as app store fees, hosting fees, and other associated costs.  On the other hand the cost of maintaining an app on different platforms can also vary, as updates and bug fixes may require different amounts of time and effort, depending on the platform. 

Ultimately, the choice of platform will depend on the specific requirements of the AI-based healthcare app, including the target audience, budget, and desired features. You can always hire dedicated developer team with experience in developing such applications for multiple platforms. They will provide you with guidance on which platform is best suited for a specific project.

Complexity of Features and Functionality   

The complexity of features and functionality of an AI-based healthcare app greatly affects the development cost. The more complex the app features and functionality, the more resources and time are required to develop it, leading to a higher cost. For instance, Integrating the app with medical devices, such as wearable devices, can require significant time and resources to ensure compatibility and data accuracy.

It will enhance the user experience and increase the cost of developing an AI health app. Healthcare apps must comply with various regulations, such as HIPAA, that govern the use and handling of health-related data. Ensuring compliance with these regulations can increase the cost of development. 

Development team (In-house vs Outsourced)   

The choice between an in-house and outsourced development team will depend on the specific needs and goals of the company, as well as its budget and resources. It may be possible to achieve significant cost savings by using an outsourced team. The choice of the development team can greatly impact the healthcare app development cost.

With an in-house development team, you get the employees employed directly by you to develop the app. Hiring and training these teams can be expensive and may require significant investments in equipment, office space, and benefits. In addition, the cost of in-house teams can increase over time as salaries, benefits, and overhead expenses rise.

On the other hand, we have an outsourced development team where you can hire services from a healthcare app development company to develop the application. Outsourced teams can be more cost-effective than in-house teams, as they typically charge lower rates for their services and do not require the company to provide benefits or office space.

Location (Geographical Costs)  

Another factor impacting the cost of healthcare app development is the location. The choice of location will depend on the specific needs and goals of the company, as well as its budget and resources. Companies can achieve significant cost savings by choosing a lower-cost location. But the availability of skilled workers, the quality of infrastructure, and the stability of the local economy, can also impact the overall cost and success of a development project. 

Get Your AI Health Application Developed by the Experts

Average Cost Range for Developing AI-based Healthcare Apps  

Now that you know about the factors that influence the overall healthcare app development cost, it is time to move further. The next vital aspect that you must learn about is that there are three ways in which your application can be developed. These ways can set the base for your development budget for these applications. All the three have been mentioned here along with the ballpark cost estimation for you to draw a rough idea: 

Basic AI Healthcare App  

The cost of developing an AI-based healthcare app can vary widely depending on the features and complexity of the app, as well as the experience of the development team. As the name suggests, this is an AI health app with basic features. A basic AI healthcare app with minimal features, such as appointment scheduling, symptom checker, and medication reminders, could cost anywhere from $20,000 to $50,000 or more. 

Mid-Range AI Healthcare App   

You can choose to develop a healthcare AI app with more than basic features. A mid-range AI healthcare app typically includes features such as appointment scheduling, a symptom checker, medication reminders, personalized health recommendations, and telemedicine capabilities. The average cost of developing a mid-range AI healthcare app could range from $50,000 to $200,000 or more.  

High-End AI Healthcare App  

Lastly, you can opt to develop an application with a wide range of features and complexity. The high-end AI healthcare app typically includes advanced features such as telemedicine, remote patient monitoring, predictive health analytics, and advanced machine learning algorithms. The average cost of developing a high-end AI healthcare app could range from $200,000 to $500,000 or more. 

However, it’s important to note that these are rough estimates, and the actual cost will depend on several factors that we have mentioned above. It’s best to consult with the best service providers offering healthcare application development as per your business requirement to get a more accurate estimate. 

Benefits of Investing in AI-based Healthcare Apps  

Not one or two, but there are multiple perks of healthcare mobile apps driven by artificial intelligence. It has improved various procedures involved in healthcare industry operations. Here we have mentioned a few vital one’s for you: 

Benefits of Investing in AI-based Healthcare Apps

Improved Patient Outcomes 

AI-based healthcare apps help improve patient outcomes by offering personalized treatment based on the individual patient’s data. It also analyzes a large amount of data related to the patients and assists the doctors in making a diagnosis-related decision quicker and better. AI health apps can enhance patient outcomes by providing more accurate and efficient care. 

Increased Efficiency in Healthcare Processes   

Next on the list is the advantage of increasing the efficiency in various healthcare processes that the AI-driven application offers to this industry. AI can automate repetitive administrative tasks such as appointment scheduling, claims to process, and record keeping, freeing healthcare workers to focus on patient care.  

With the help of AI-based apps, healthcare providers can continuously monitor patients, detect potential health issues early, and alert them, allowing them to have earlier intervention and treatment. Healthcare providers favor the healthcare mobile app development service as it helps in providing predictive analytics that leads to improving patient care and reducing healthcare costs.

Cost Savings in the Long-Term 

AI-based healthcare apps can achieve cost savings in the long term with the help of various AI algorithms. With artificial intelligence, healthcare applications can help reduce medical errors by assisting in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. This can lead to reduced healthcare costs due to fewer malpractice lawsuits, decreased hospital readmissions, and lower rates of medical complications.  

It also helps automate administrative tasks, such as claims processing, appointment scheduling, and record-keeping, reducing costs associated with manual processing and administrative overhead. It is the reason why healthcare providers hire AI developers so that they can bag such a cost-effective solution for their business growth.

Better Decision-Making with Data-Driven Insights 

Last but not least, with the help of healthcare app development empowered by artificial intelligence, healthcare providers can make better decisions driven by data. With the help of AI, algorithms can analyze large amounts of patient data, identify patterns and correlations, and provide insights that can inform healthcare decision-making. AI-based healthcare apps can continuously monitor patients, detect potential health issues early, and alert healthcare providers, allowing for earlier intervention and improved patient outcomes. 

Challenges in Developing AI-based Healthcare Apps  

It’s time to flip the coin; confused? Well, after reading the benefits, you must learn about the challenges that can be faced during AI app development, and some of the major ones are:

Challenges in Developing AI-based Healthcare Apps

Integration with Existing Healthcare Systems 

Integrating AI-driven healthcare applications within the existing healthcare systems can be challenging. The existing healthcare systems may have data in different formats, making it difficult for AI applications to integrate and process the data. The AI applications may require a large amount of computing power, storage, and bandwidth, making it challenging to integrate them with existing healthcare systems that may have limited technical resources. The lack of standardization in healthcare data and systems can make integration difficult.  

Data Privacy and Security   

Another significant challenge that developers offering mobile app development empowered by AI can face is data privacy and security. Healthcare data contains sensitive and confidential information, such as personal health information, medical histories, and financial records. This information needs to be protected from unauthorized access and misuse. AI-based healthcare applications often rely on sharing data between different organizations and individuals, which can increase the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.  

Regulation and Compliance  

The AI health app development can be challenging to keep up with the regulations and compliances. The healthcare industry is heavily regulated, and the rules surrounding AI-based healthcare applications can be complex and evolving, making it difficult for developers to keep up with the latest requirements. Additionally, AI-based healthcare applications must comply with privacy laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which can be challenging to implement.  

Also Read: Patient Privacy and Confidentiality in Healthcare – What is it and Why should we care?

Lack of Standardized Data Formats 

Next on the list is the lack of standardization in healthcare data and systems. It can create challenges for AI applications to be consistent and reliable across different healthcare systems. These systems have the data stored in different formats, making processing the data difficult using the AI health app. The lack of standardization can increase the development time and cost of AI-based healthcare applications as developers need to create custom solutions for each system they integrate. 

Want to Learn More About Our Application Development Services


This blog includes every point essential for you to learn if you wish to choose healthcare app development empowered by artificial intelligence for your business. These small concepts come together to form a clear idea for the budget. The cost of developing an AI-based healthcare application can vary greatly depending on the scope and complexity of the project, as well as the experience and expertise of the healthcare mobile app development company that you hire.  

Some of the key factors that can impact the cost include the type of AI technology being used, the size and complexity of the data set, the need for clinical validation and regulatory approval, and the need for integration with existing healthcare systems.Not just the factors, but we have also mentioned the benefits you can bag after developing an AI-driven healthcare application.  

As per our suggestion, you must consider getting your application developed from scratch as per your requirement. Developing the same will ensure that the final version of the application is ready to serve every bit of the objective you have set for your project. It is important to work with experienced healthcare app developers to ensure that the AI-based healthcare application meets the needs of the healthcare system and complies with the relevant regulations and standards. 


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