Distribution Management Software Development – Key Features, Cost, and Process

Updated on Oct 9th, 2024

Distribution Management Software Development – Key Features, Cost, and Process

Are you tired of:  

  • Stockouts and overstock situations that erode profits and frustrate customers?  
  • Delayed deliveries that damage your reputation and lose you valuable business?  
  • Manual processes and fragmented data that make it impossible to gain real-time visibility and optimize your operations?  

Well, you are not alone! In today’s hyper-competitive landscape, manual processes, and outdated systems are crippling distribution companies. A recent study found that these inefficiencies cost businesses a staggering $1.1 trillion globally each year 

But what if there’s a solution to eliminate all these concerns? Enter distribution management software – your key to unlocking opportunities and mitigating business issues. Distribution management system software is a powerful digital solution that automates tasks, streamlines workflows, and provides real-time insights – all to ensure efficient, cost-effective distribution and happy customers. And that’s not all!  

With AI in distribution management, you can unlock a new level of efficiency. Imagine predicting equipment failures before they happen (predictive maintenance) or deploying robots to automate repetitive tasks in your warehouse. Intrigued?  

In this blog, we will explore more of the benefits of distribution management software for your business. We will also discover the key features, trends, and a step-by-step process for developing custom distribution software based on your business concerns and requirements.   

  • Traditional distribution processes are inefficient and costly. Distribution management software (DMS) can automate tasks, streamline workflows, and provide real-time data to optimize distribution. 
  • Custom DMS can address specific challenges faced by businesses, like inaccurate inventory or slow delivery times. Key features include inventory management, warehouse optimization, and reporting. 
  • Businesses can develop their own DMS by understanding their needs, choosing a development partner, and prioritizing features through an agile development process. 
  • Matellio can be a perfect partner for distribution management software development. We have experience in working with next-gen technologies and creating robust solutions for logistics, supply chain, manufacturing, and distribution companies globally.

Table of Contents

What is Distribution Management Software?  

Let’s face it: running a successful distribution company in today’s world is like playing chess with blindfolds on. You’re constantly battling rising customer expectations, complex supply chains, and razor-thin margins. But what if there was a software solution that could not only remove the blindfold but also give you superhuman strategic vision?  

That’s exactly what Distribution Management Software (DMS) is. Think of it as your personal command center for the entire distribution process. It goes far beyond simple inventory management – it’s a comprehensive suite of tools designed to automate tasks, streamline workflows, and provide real-time data that empowers you to make smarter decisions faster.  

Here’s how DMS can transform your distribution operations from a chaotic scramble to a well-oiled machine:   

Warehouse Optimization  Warehouse Optimization  

Imagine a warehouse where misplaced items are a relic of the past. DMS integrates with warehouse management systems, providing real-time location tracking and optimizing picking routes. This translates to faster order fulfillment, reduced labor costs, and happier customers who get their products on time every time.  

Also Read: How to Develop Cloud Warehouse Management Software?

Inventory ManagementInventory Management on Autopilot  

Forget about spending countless hours wrestling with spreadsheets. DMS automates inventory control, setting reorder points, tracking stock levels across multiple warehouses, and even generating purchase orders based on demand forecasts. This frees you and your team to focus on higher-level strategic initiatives.  

Demand ForecastingDemand Forecasting  

No more scrambling to meet unexpected surges in demand. Distribution management software utilizes historical data and market trends to generate accurate forecasts, allowing you to optimize your inventory levels and avoid costly stockouts.  

Data-Driven Decision MakingData-Driven Decision Making  

Stop relying on guesswork. Distribution software provides real-time insights into every aspect of your distribution operations – from inventory levels to delivery performance. This data empowers you to identify bottlenecks, optimize processes, and make data-driven decisions that drive profitability.  

Transportation Management  Transportation Management  

Distribution management system software helps you streamline your transportation network by optimizing routes, finding the best carriers for your needs, and automating freight management tasks. This translates to reduced shipping costs and improved delivery times.  

Also Read: A Comprehensive Guide to Transportation Management Software Development

In essence, distribution software is your secret weapon for supply chain domination. It’s the key to unlocking hidden efficiencies, streamlining operations, and delighting your customers. Are you ready to take control and transform your distribution business? Let’s discuss how we can create distribution management software tailored to your business requirements.  

Challenges in Distribution and How Custom Distribution Software Can Resolve Them Efficiently 

Having painted a clear picture of the power of distribution management software, let’s delve deeper into the specific challenges faced by manufacturing distribution companies that this custom enterprise solution can effectively address.   

By understanding these pain points, you’ll gain a clearer understanding of how custom distribution management software development can help you transform your operations.  

Challenges Faced by Distribution Companies

Inaccurate Inventory Levels  


Manual processes and siloed data lead to inaccurate inventory counts, resulting in stockouts, overstocking, and lost sales. It’s like playing inventory roulette – you never quite know what you have on hand until a customer place an order, leading to frustrated scrambling and missed opportunities.  


Say goodbye to inventory roulette! Distribution management software automates inventory control, synchronizes data across all your systems, and eliminates manual entry errors. This ensures real-time stock level visibility, allowing you to set accurate reorder points based on historical data and sales trends.  

Demand Forecasting Frustrations  


Unpredictable demand patterns make it difficult to optimize inventory levels, leading to missed opportunities or excessive carrying costs. Forecasting feels like throwing darts in the dark – you hope you have enough product, but you’re never quite sure.   


Stop throwing darts in the dark! Custom distribution software uses historical sales data and market trends to generate accurate demand forecasts. This empowers you to optimize inventory levels, avoid costly stockouts, and ensure you always have the products your customers need when they need them.   

Manual Picking and Packing Delays  


Inefficient picking and packing processes slow down order fulfillment and increase labor costs. Imagine your warehouse as a maze – pickers waste valuable time searching for items, leading to delayed deliveries and frustrated customers.  


Distribution software can easily integrate with warehouse management systems, enabling real-time tracking of your inventory location. This translates to optimized picking routes, reduced labor costs, and faster order fulfillment. Pickers can locate items effortlessly, eliminating wasted time searching and ensuring on-time deliveries that keep your customers happy.  

Warehouse Disorganization  


Without real-time location tracking, misplaced inventory wastes valuable time and resources. Are your products scattered like puzzle pieces across your warehouse? Without DMS, locating them can be a frustrating treasure hunt.  


Custom distribution system software can eliminate the frustration of warehouse treasure hunts. It offers features like real-time location tracking that lets you pinpoint the exact location of any item, maximizing efficiency and minimizing wasted resources. No more scattered puzzle pieces – with DMS, your warehouse becomes a haven of organization.  

Limited Visibility into Warehouse Operations  


A lack of data makes it difficult to identify bottlenecks and optimize warehouse layouts for efficiency. You’re flying blind in your warehouse – without distribution management system software; you can’t identify areas for improvement or optimize workflows.   


Stop flying blind in your warehouse! Distribution management system software provides real-time insights into every aspect of your warehouse operations. This data empowers you to identify bottlenecks, optimize layouts for maximum efficiency, and streamline workflows. A custom distribution software solution transforms you from a reactive manager to a proactive strategist, allowing you to continually improve your warehouse efficiency.  

Rising Shipping Costs  


Finding the most cost-effective carriers and optimizing routes can be a challenge, leading to higher transportation expenses. Shipping costs are skyrocketing, and without DMS, you might be overpaying for deliveries. It’s like throwing money out the window!  


Stop throwing money out the window on overspending on deliveries! Distribution management software can help you optimize transportation expenses by finding the most cost-effective carriers and optimizing delivery routes. This ensures you get the best possible rates and efficient delivery times, maximizing your profit margins.  

Delivery Delays and Inconsistency  


Manual processes and inefficient communication can lead to delayed deliveries and unhappy customers. Your customers expect their orders on time, every time. But without DMS, inconsistent deliveries can damage your reputation.  


Ensure consistent, on-time deliveries and keep your customers happy! Investing in distribution software development helps you automate communication and enables real-time shipment tracking. This allows you to proactively address any potential delays and keep your customers informed throughout the delivery process.   

Limited Visibility into Transportation Processes  


Without real-time tracking, it’s difficult to monitor shipments and ensure on-time deliveries. Are your shipments stuck in a black hole? Without DMS, tracking deliveries feels like guesswork.   


No more black hole deliveries! Distribution software provides real-time tracking of your shipments, giving you complete visibility into the transportation process. This empowers you to proactively identify and resolve any issues, ensuring your products arrive at their destination on time and in pristine condition.  

Fragmented Data from Different Systems  


Data stored in siloed systems makes it difficult to gain a holistic view of your operations. Your data is scattered across different systems, like puzzle pieces that don’t fit together. This makes it impossible to get a clear picture of your overall operations.  


Consolidate your data puzzle! Distribution management software acts as a central hub, integrating data from all your systems into a single platform. This provides a holistic view of your entire distribution network, allowing you to make informed decisions based on real-time insights. No more scattered data – with DMS, you have a complete picture of your operations at your fingertips.  

Reliance on Manual Reporting  


Time-consuming manual reporting hinders timely decision-making. Imagine spending hours compiling spreadsheets – precious time that could be better spent growing your business. DMS eliminates the need for manual reporting, giving you real-time data at your fingertips.  


Free yourself from the time-consuming burden of manual reports! A distribution management system eliminates the need for spreadsheets and provides real-time data and analytics at your fingertips. This allows you to spend less time compiling data and more time focusing on growing your business and making data-driven decisions for success.  

Lack of Data-Driven Insights  


Without access to real-time data and analytics, it’s difficult to identify trends and make informed decisions. You’re making decisions in the dark – with distribution management software, you can leverage data-driven insights to optimize your operations and achieve your business goals.  


Stop making decisions in the dark! Custom distribution management software empowers you with data-driven insights. By leveraging real-time data and analytics, you can identify trends, optimize your entire distribution network, and make informed decisions that drive efficiency, profitability, and customer satisfaction.  

Labor Shortages and Skills Gap  


Finding and retaining qualified workers in the manufacturing and distribution sectors is a growing challenge. Talented resources to optimize each facet of your distribution organization which can add to your operational cost and may even result in human errors.  


While DMS can’t solve the challenge of finding qualified workers outright, it can help to optimize your existing workforce. By automating distribution tasks and streamlining processes, this custom enterprise solution empowers your team to work smarter, not harder. This allows you to maximize the productivity of your current staff while minimizing the impact of labor shortages.   

Here’s a summary of what we just read above: 

Challenges of Distribution Companies  Solutions Provided by Distribution Management Software 
Inaccurate Inventory Levels  Automate inventory control, synchronize data, and eliminate manual entry errors for real-time stock level visibility. 
Demand Forecasting Frustrations  Use historical sales data and market trends to generate accurate demand forecasts and optimize inventory levels. 
Manual Picking and Packing Delays  Distribution software easily integrates with warehouse management systems for optimized picking routes, reduced labor costs, and faster fulfillment. 
Warehouse Disorganization  Implement real-time location tracking to pinpoint item locations, maximizing efficiency and minimizing wasted resources. 
Limited Visibility into Warehouse Operations  Gain real-time insights to identify bottlenecks, optimize layouts, and streamline workflows. 
Rising Shipping Costs  Optimize transportation expenses by finding cost-effective carriers and delivery routes. 
Delivery Delays and Inconsistency  Automate communication and enable real-time shipment tracking to ensure on-time deliveries and customer satisfaction. 
Limited Visibility into Transportation Processes  Provide real-time shipment tracking for complete visibility and proactive issue resolution. 
Fragmented Data from Different Systems  Consolidate data from all systems into a single platform for a holistic view of operations. 
Reliance on Manual Reporting  Eliminate manual reporting with real-time data and analytics for timely decision-making. 
Lack of Data-Driven Insights  Leverage data-driven insights to identify trends, optimize operations, and achieve business goals. 
Labor Shortages and Skills Gap  Automate tasks and streamline processes to optimize workforce productivity and minimize the impact of labor shortages. 

Success Story – How Matellio’s Digital Transformation Expertise Helped a 3PL Company Automate Its Operations  

In today’s competitive logistics landscape, efficiency is king. A 3PL company specializing in agile staffing solutions for shipping and receiving departments, discovered this firsthand. They faced challenges with outdated systems leading to data silos, inaccuracies, and time-consuming manual tasks.   

The Problem  

Our client relied on paper-based systems and Excel spreadsheets – a recipe for disaster in a fast-paced industry. This fragmented approach resulted in:   

  • Duplicate and Error-Prone Data: Multiple spreadsheets and paper trails led to inconsistencies and inaccuracies, hindering overall visibility.  
  • Manual Task Bottlenecks: Project managers spent an excessive amount of time on manual data entry and tracking, hindering productivity.  
  • Challenges in Core Operations: Task allocation, user onboarding, billing, and SOP management became cumbersome without a centralized system.   
  • Inaccurate Data for Billing: Difficulties in tracking labor hours made accurate billing and performance reviews a challenge.  

The Solution  

Matellio stepped in to help this 3PL company achieve operational excellence. We leveraged our expertise in digital transformation consulting to design a custom web application built with ReactJS for the front end and NodeJS for the back end.  

This solution acted as a central nervous system for our client‘s operations by:     

  • Streamlining Employee Data Management: A centralized system eliminated duplicate data entry and ensured consistent employee information.  
  • Automating Labor Log Collection: A digital template pre-defined the data points needed for accurate labor tracking and reporting.  
  • Real-Time Data & Reporting: One-click report generation provided this 3PL company with immediate insights for informed decision-making.  
  • Integrated Workflows: User onboarding, site creation, admin allocation, task allocation, and SOP management were all integrated into a seamless workflow.  

The Outcome  

The partnership between Matellio and this 3PL company yielded impressive results:  Digital-Dispatch-Platform-web-slide

  • 50-60% Reduction in Manual Data Entry: Automation freed up employee time for strategic tasks and client interaction.  
  • Accurate & Consistent Data: Pre-defined data capture ensured data accuracy, streamlining payroll and performance reviews.  
  • Faster Reporting & Billing: Automated data collection and reports minimized processing time, leading to faster payouts for employees.  
  • Enhanced Operational Visibility: A centralized system provided real-time insights for better decision-making and improved overall efficiency.  

This case study demonstrates the power of custom distribution management software. By automating manual processes and centralizing data, Matellio helped this client achieve significant efficiency gains and solidify its position as a leader in agile staffing solutions.  

Ready to transform your distribution operations? Matellio’s team of digital transformation consultants can help you identify areas for improvement and develop a customized solution to streamline your workflows and achieve peak efficiency  

Want to Witness a Similar Transformation for Your Company? We Have Got You Covered!

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    Features You Should Never Miss When Creating Custom Distribution Management Software  

    So now that you are all set to begin distribution management software development, let us quickly discuss one of its main realms – its features. Features play a crucial role in determining the scope of your solution and returns on your investment. You need to have the right features that not only resolve your business concerns but also help you tackle the future industry demands seamlessly.   

    However, we understand that identifying such features from a pool can be tedious, especially if you are new to the custom software development field. Hence, as a leading custom enterprise software development company, we have hand-picked the best features (including essential and advanced ones) that you can consider for your custom distribution software.   

    Features of Top-Notch Distribution Management Software

    Essential Features

    Centralized Inventory Management  

    Gain real-time visibility into your entire inventory across multiple warehouses. Track stock levels, automate reorder points, and eliminate stockouts and overstocking. Your software should integrate seamlessly with existing warehouse management systems for a holistic view.  

    Warehouse Management Optimization  

    Streamline your warehouse operations and empower your pickers. Your distribution management system software should utilize features like barcode scanning and real-time location tracking to optimize picking routes and ensure efficient order fulfillment.  

    Automated Order Processing and Fulfillment  

    Reduce manual errors and expedite order fulfillment. Your software should automate tasks like order picking, packing, and shipping, freeing up your team to focus on other priorities.  

    Transportation Management System (TMS) Integration  

    Optimize your transportation network and reduce shipping costs. Your DMS should integrate with a TMS to find the most cost-effective carriers, plan efficient routes, and track shipments in real time.  

    Robust Reporting and Analytics  

    Gain valuable insights into your distribution network’s performance. Your software should generate reports on inventory levels, order fulfillment times, shipping costs, and more. This empowers you to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.  

    Multi-Channel Order Management  

    Seamlessly manage orders from all your sales channels (online store, physical stores, marketplaces) in a central location. This eliminates duplicate entries and ensures efficient order fulfillment across all channels.  

    Vendor Management  

    Streamline communication and collaboration with your vendors. Your DMS should offer features to manage purchase orders, track deliveries, and automate vendor communication for a more efficient supply chain.  

    Compliance Management  

    Ensure adherence to all relevant shipping and safety regulations. Your DMS can help you track compliance documents, manage expiration dates, and automate tasks to maintain regulatory compliance.  

    Advanced Features 

    Demand Forecasting with AI  

    Move beyond guesswork and anticipate future demand fluctuations. Your DMS should utilize artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze historical sales data and market trends to generate accurate forecasts. This allows you to optimize inventory levels and ensure you always have the products your customers need.  

    Predictive Maintenance  

    Prevent equipment failures before they disrupt your operations. Your DMS can leverage AI and sensor data to predict equipment failures and schedule preventive maintenance, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.  

    Warehouse Automation & Robotics  

    Embrace the future of warehousing. Consider integrating your DMS with robotic systems for automated tasks like picking and packing. This can significantly improve efficiency and reduce reliance on manual labor.  

    Machine Learning-powered Route Optimization  

    Take route optimization to the next level. Your DMS can utilize machine learning (ML) to factor in real-time traffic data, weather conditions, and driver behavior to dynamically optimize delivery routes and ensure on-time deliveries.  

    Customer Self-Service Portal  

    Empower your customers with a self-service portal. This portal allows customers to track their orders, view shipping information, and manage returns – all within a user-friendly interface.  

    Integrated Payment Processing  

    Simplify the payment process for both you and your customers. You should integrate your custom distribution software with a payment gateway to streamline online transactions and reduce manual work.  

    Business Intelligence (BI) Dashboards  

    Gain real-time insights into your entire distribution network at a glance. Your DMS can provide customizable dashboards with key performance indicators (KPIs) to help you monitor performance and make informed decisions.  

    Advanced Security Features  

    Protect your sensitive data and ensure system reliability. Your DMS should offer robust security features like data encryption, access controls, and regular backups to safeguard your business information.  

    By incorporating these essential and advanced features, your custom distribution management software can become a powerful tool to streamline operations, optimize processes, gain valuable insights, and future-proof your business for continued success.  

    Need More Exclusive Features for Your Distribution Management System Software?

      What is


      Trends that You Can Adopt to Elevate Your Distribution Software’s Capabilities  

      Besides features, if there’s anything that can affect the scope and ROI of your custom enterprise solution, it is the technology trends. We live in a digital world, and things here change rapidly. So, to beat the competition curve, you need to adopt the latest manufacturing technology trends and hold the power to elevate your distribution solution’s capabilities.   

      But choosing the latest yet reliable trends can be daunting as there are countless trends that come and go, but only a few of them survive this highly competitive market. Well, that’s where an expert digital transformation service provider comes into play! With professionals, you can easily identify the best technology trends resonating with your distribution management software needs.   

      That’s what we do! As a trusted name in providing digital transformation services, we have hand-picked the best trends that you can adopt for your project.    

      Internet of Things (IoT)  

      Gain real-time visibility and streamline operations with IoT development services. By integrating with IoT devices like sensors and trackers, your distribution management software can monitor inventory levels in real time, track the location of shipments, and even predict equipment failures. This allows for proactive inventory management, improved delivery tracking, and preventative maintenance to minimize downtime.  

      Artificial Intelligence (AI)  

      Take your forecasting and decision-making to the next level. Utilizing AI development services for your distribution management system software can help you analyze vast amounts of data (sales history, market trends, customer behavior) to generate highly accurate demand forecasts. This allows you to optimize inventory levels, predict potential disruptions, and make data-driven decisions for improved efficiency and profitability.  

      Machine Learning (ML)   

      Machine learning is yet another technology trend that can prove beneficial for your distribution management software development project. Machine learning algorithms can continuously learn and improve based on real-time data. This translates to dynamically optimized delivery routes that consider traffic patterns and weather conditions, personalized customer recommendations based on purchase history, and automated tasks like order picking and shipment routing.  

      Cloud-Based Solutions  

      Embrace scalability, accessibility, and cost-efficiency. Cloud-based distribution management software solutions offer several advantages. They are accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, allowing for remote management and collaboration. They are also highly scalable, allowing you to easily adjust storage capacity and processing power as your business grows. Additionally, cloud-based solutions eliminate the need for expensive hardware and software maintenance, reducing IT costs.  

      Advanced Analytics and Business Intelligence (BI)  

      Gain deeper insights and make smarter decisions. Modern distribution management software leverages advanced analytics and BI tools to provide comprehensive data visualization and reporting. This empowers you to identify trends, analyze performance metrics, and make data-driven decisions for optimizing your entire distribution network.   

      Integration with E-commerce Platforms  

      Seamlessly manage orders from all your sales channels. By integrating your DMS with your e-commerce platform, you can streamline order fulfillment across all channels. This eliminates the need for manual data entry, reduces errors, and ensures a smooth customer experience regardless of where they place their order.  

      Sustainability Initiatives  

      Reduce your environmental impact and enhance your brand reputation. Modern DMS solutions can help you optimize routes for fuel efficiency, track carbon emissions, and even integrate with eco-friendly packaging solutions. This demonstrates your commitment to sustainability, which can resonate with environmentally conscious customers and give you a competitive edge.  

      Need more information on these tech trends or want to implement them in your custom distribution software solution? We are just a lick away! Simply fill out our form to book a free 30-minute consultation right away.   

      How to Get Started with Distribution Management Software Development – A Step-by-Step Process   

      Congratulations on taking the first step towards a more efficient and streamlined distribution operation! So, you have explored the market scenario, benefits, features, and trends to adopt for distribution management software development. But how do we proceed forward? How do you bring your ideas and requirements into a fully functional solution? Don’t worry; we have got you covered! Here’s a roadmap to guide you through the development process:  

      step 1Understand Your Business Needs and Market Trends 

      This is the foundation for success. Before diving into development, take a deep dive into your specific business needs.   

      As yourself, questions like:  

      • What are your pain points?   
      • What are your long-term goals?   
      • What specific processes would you like to automate via distribution management software?  
      • How will you evaluate the ROI of your investment?  

      Answering questions like these will help you understand your true business concerns and frame an effective roadmap for your project.   

      Apart from this, you also need to conduct market research to understand current trends and identify features that will give you a competitive edge. By clearly defining your requirements, you’ll ensure the software is tailored to solve your unique challenges. You can book a free 30-minute consultation to leverage our expert’s guidance for business and market analysis.   

      step 2Choose a Trusted Technology Consulting Company 

      Once you have clearly defined your requirements, the next and most crucial step is to choose a trusted software development partner. Now, we strongly recommend you choose a consultancy that has expertise in custom manufacturing software development. Moreover, your chosen consultancy should also have expertise in implementing next-gen tech like AI, ML, IoT, RPA, etc.   

      A trusted consultancy will go beyond just analyzing your business requirements and suggesting technological trends. You can get assistance throughout your project, including talented resources, advisory on features, creating proof-of-concept, etc. You can also get assistance with developing your custom distribution management software using next-gen technologies.   

      Hence, always partner with a reliable technology consulting company. Look for a team with experience in distribution management software development and a proven track record of success. Ask questions about their development methodology, communication style, and project management approach. The ideal partner will be a collaborative extension of your team, understanding your vision and translating it into a functional solution.  

      step 3Focus on Including Tailored Features and Tech Stack 

      Off-the-shelf software might seem like a quick fix, but it often lacks the flexibility to adapt to your specific needs. Custom distribution management software allows you to choose the features that directly address your challenges and integrate seamlessly with your existing systems. Work with your development partner to identify the optimal technology stack (programming languages, frameworks, databases) to ensure scalability, performance, and long-term maintainability.  

      To help you, we have listed a general tech stack that you can use for your project:  

      Frontend Development  ReactJS, VueJS, Angular 
      Backend Development  Java, Python, NodeJS 
      Database  MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB 
      Cloud Services  AWS, GCP, Microsoft Azure 
      AI/ML  TensorFlow, PyTorch, scikit-learn, Keras 
      DevOps  Kubernetes, Docker, Git, CI/CD 
      NLP  NLTK, spaCy 
      Predictive Analytics  Scikit-learn, Statsmodels, AWS Forecast, R, Google Cloud AI 
      Payment APIs  Stripe API, PayPal REST API, Square API 
      Route Optimization  OR-Tools (Google Optimization Tools), Google Maps API, Mapbox API 
      Warehouse Automation  ROS (Robot Operating System), OpenCV (Computer Vision), AWS RoboMaker 
      Reporting and Analytics  R, SQL, Tableau, Power BI, D3.js (Data-Driven Documents) 
      Inventory Management  SAP, Odoo, ShipStation API, TradeGecko API 
      Order Processing and Fulfilments  Magento, WooCommerce, Shopify API, Amazon Marketplace Web Service (MWS), eBay API 

      step 4Invest in MVP Development and Go Agile 

      Don’t try to build everything at once. Start with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) – a core version of your DMS with essential features. This allows you to test the software with real users, gather feedback, and iterate quickly. An agile development approach promotes flexibility and continuous improvement. You can prioritize features based on user feedback and market trends, ensuring your software constantly evolves to meet your changing needs. 

      step 5Testing is Crucial for a Seamless Performance

      Rigorous testing is paramount. Your development partner should conduct thorough unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT) to identify and eliminate bugs before launch. This ensures a smooth user experience and minimizes the risk of costly disruptions down the line. You can choose between automated and manual testing services, whichever suits your project requirements.   

      step 6Choose Cloud Integration Services for Added Security and Scalability  

      Cloud-based solutions offer significant advantages. They are accessible from anywhere, highly scalable to accommodate growth and require minimal IT infrastructure on your end. Look for a development partner that prioritizes data security with robust encryption and access controls. Cloud integration services ensure your distribution management software is secure, reliable, and adaptable to your evolving needs.  

      By following these steps and partnering with the right technology consulting company, you can develop a distribution management software solution that unlocks a new level of efficiency, empowers your team, and propels your business toward continued success.  

      Ready to Get Started? Leverage a Free 30-min Consultation for Your Project and Get a Custom Quote!

        What is


        How Much Does It Cost to Develop Distribution Management Software?  

        So, we are at the most awaited section of our blog post – the cost of developing custom distribution management software. Well, you might be aware that custom solutions are built on the basis of your requirements and ideas. Hence, the cost also varies accordingly.  

        For instance, if you chose to build a basic solution (MVP) with only essential features, then the cost would be low as compared to a high-end solution with probably AI or IoT technology in it. Similarly, the number of resources working on your project, the services you opt for, the complexity of features, the tech stack, and the location of your chosen technology consulting partner will also affect your software development cost.   

        So, it’s best to discuss your ideas and requirements initially with your partner before proceeding forward. This way, you will get an estimated cost for developing tailored distribution management system software.   

        Remember, a trusted technology consulting partner will always understand your concerns and will then prepare the project estimated matching your needs.   

        That’s Where Matellio Comes In!  

        We get it. In the high-pressure world of manufacturing and distribution, there’s no room for inefficiencies. Every misplaced item, every delayed delivery, and every forecasting miss can eat into your profits and erode customer trust. That’s why, at Matellio, we go beyond consultation – we help you through every phase of your digital transformation journey.  

        We understand your challenges:  

        • Struggling with outdated systems?
          We can help you ditch spreadsheets and paper trails for a modern, centralized DMS that streamlines operations and eliminates data silos.  
        • Losing money on inaccurate inventory?
          Our custom solutions utilize advanced analytics and AI to optimize stock levels and ensure you always have the right products on hand.  
        • Drowning in manual tasks?
          We can automate repetitive processes like order picking, packing, and shipping, freeing up your team to focus on higher-value activities.  
        • Worried about keeping up with industry trends?
          Our team stays ahead of the curve, incorporating cutting-edge technologies like machine learning and cloud integration to future-proof your business.  

        Here’s what sets us apart:  

        Flexible Engagement Models  

        Choose the approach that best suits your needs, from fixed-cost projects to ongoing development partnerships.  

        Full-Service Platform  

        We handle everything from initial concept to deployment and ongoing support so you can focus on running your business.  

        Proven Track Record  

        We have a successful history of delivering innovative DMS solutions that have transformed the way companies operate.  

        Ready to unlock the power of custom distribution management software? Let Matellio be your partner in success. Contact us today for a free 30-minute consultation.  


        A distribution management system (DMS) is a comprehensive software solution designed to streamline and optimize the entire distribution process for businesses. This includes inventory control, order processing, supply chain management, and customer service. By automating these processes, DMS provides real-time visibility and control, enhances efficiency, reduces operational costs, and improves customer satisfaction.  

        Businesses across various industries can benefit from investing in distribution software development. These include:  

        • Manufacturing Companies: To manage the distribution of raw materials and finished goods efficiently.  
        • Retailers: To streamline inventory management, order processing, and supply chain logistics.  
        • Wholesalers: To optimize bulk inventory handling, warehouse management, and distribution channels.  
        • E-Commerce Companies: To ensure seamless integration between online sales platforms and distribution networks.  
        • Logistics and Transportation Firms: To enhance route planning, delivery tracking, and overall logistics management.  

        Whether you are a small business looking to improve operational efficiency or a large enterprise seeking to optimize complex supply chains, custom distribution software can be tailored to meet your specific needs.  

        The time required to develop custom distribution management software varies depending on the complexity of the features, the scale of the project, and specific business requirements. On average, a basic DMS with essential features can take anywhere from 4 to 6 months to develop. For more advanced systems incorporating AI-driven functionalities and extensive integrations, the development time can extend to 9 to 12 months or more. You can share your requirements with us to get a more precise timeline for your project.  

        At Matellio, we specialize in developing a wide range of custom software solutions to meet diverse business needs. These include:  

        • Inventory Management Software: For efficient tracking, control, and optimization of inventory.  
        • Warehouse Management Systems (WMS): To enhance warehouse operations and logistics.  
        • Order Management Systems: To automate and streamline the order processing lifecycle.  
        • Supply Chain Management Software: To optimize the entire supply chain from procurement to delivery.  
        • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems: For comprehensive management of business processes.  
        • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software: To manage and improve customer interactions and relationships.  
        • E-commerce Platforms: To support online sales and integrate with distribution systems.  

        Our team can create bespoke solutions tailored to your specific business requirements, ensuring you get the most value from your investment.  

        At Matellio, we offer a full suite of services to support the development and implementation of your custom software solutions. Our services include:  

        • Consulting and Strategy Development: Helping you define your software requirements and develop a strategic roadmap.  
        • Custom Software Development: Building tailored solutions that meet your unique business needs.  
        • System Integration: Ensuring seamless integration of new software with your existing systems and processes.  
        • AI and RPA Development: Implementing advanced technologies to enhance automation and intelligence in your operations.  
        • Quality Assurance and Testing: Conduct thorough testing to ensure the reliability and performance of your software.  
        • Maintenance and Support: Providing ongoing support and maintenance to keep your software running smoothly.  
        • Cloud Deployment: Offering cloud solutions for scalable, secure, and accessible software deployment.  

        By partnering with Matellio, you gain access to a team of experts dedicated to delivering high-quality, innovative software solutions that drive business success.  

        Enquire now

        Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.