How to Successfully Convert a Web App into a Mobile App?

Updated on Aug 21st, 2024

Mobile application development is the fastest growing trend in today’s digital market. If you want to interact and reach a greater number of audiences, then a mobile app is a must. However, many of the companies prefer using web apps to cater to their business needs. Although mobile apps and web apps are two completely different platforms, if you want to offer personalized experience and want to attract larger users, then mobile apps are the best. 

Webs apps are comparatively more complex, limited in smart functionalities, and limited in interactivity. Though, there’s no doubt that web apps can handle complex business operations, but, they cannot be operated without a constant internet connection. That’s why, many leading marketers today prefer converting web apps into mobile apps. 

Let’s dig in further to know more about the benefits of mobile apps in transforming your business operations!

Market Scenario of Mobile App Development

To begin with the conversion of web apps into mobile apps, let us first see the scenario of mobile app development in the global market. As per Statista, the  number of smartphone users grew from a whopping 2.9 billion in 2018, to nearly 3.5 Billion in 2020! 

Furthermore, according to a report published by eMarketer, users spend almost 3.2 hours per day on mobile applications. From selling products online to managing bank accounts, reading blogs, surfing net, and generating invoices, everything today can be done via a simple mobile app.

The mobile apps are quickly gaining huge momentum because of their ready-to-serve functionalities, and interactive interface. And since the mobile app trend is here to stay for a long time, it is advisable to convert your web app into mobile apps.    

Why Use a Mobile App Over a Web App?

Mobile Apps vs Responsive Websites and Web Apps- Rootinfosol

Now that you are aware of the market scenario of the mobile app development sector, let us quickly discuss the benefits of converting web to app.

1. Enhanced Functionalities

The first and foremost benefits of converting web to apps is enhanced functionalities. There is no doubt that a web app could seamlessly handle all the complex business operations, but managing a web app can be a tedious task. On the other hand,  mobile apps are better managed, and are also very effective in handling all major business operations remotely. 

Functionalities like push notifications, real-time alerts, interactive reports, solving complex calculations, or tracking the devices makes mobile apps a perfect choice for the businesses. All in all, to survive in today’s digital market, and to outgrow your competitor, you will certainly need a mobile application.   

2. Better Personalization

Well, who doesn’t like personalization. In fact, in today’s competitive market, no business can survive without a personalization strategy. The users feel very privileged when the business they are dealing with, offers some sort of benefits or discounts that are personalized to them. And we all know, that nothing can beat the level of satisfaction and personalization as a mobile app does.

With a dedicated mobile app, you can seamlessly send personalized offers and discounts to your valuable customers. Besides that, you can even attract a large number of people, with an exciting offer, specifically meant for the new users. Moreover, enticing the existing customers can also be possible with personalized services, that can be again achieved within apps is surely a profitable deal.   

3. Offline Access

We all know that web apps need a constant internet connection to work smoothly and to carry out business operations. While it may seem a normal thing in a high connectivity zone, but in an area, or situation where internet connectivity gets low, that may cause a serious issue. Hence, to avoid such circumstances, a mobile app can be a good option. 

Although mobile apps too need good internet connectivity to perform certain operations, they offer a wide variety of offline features that can be leveraged by a user. Accessing the app content, managing the account, and accessing the history can all be done via a simple mobile app even in the offline mode.      

4. Regular Connectivity

The word mobile itself means anything that can be moved from one place to another without much effort. While a web app needs an internet connection and cannot be accessed every time, a mobile app is certainly opposite to it. Almost everyone today has a smartphone with them. 

As per Statista, nearly 14.02 billion people have access to mobile devices in 2020. That’s a huge percentage of people. Hence, a mobile device will help you reach more people in less time. You can send notifications, offers, alerts about new products or services, seamlessly through a mobile app.  

5. Increased Trust

Last but not least, with a mobile application, you can seamlessly reach a large number of audience with just a tap. The web applications are generally present on the internet and can serve as a gateway to several dangers of the online world. For instance, if anybody hacked your website, then all your user’s data could be easily accessed and can be manipulated easily.

But, thanks to the enhanced security of the mobile apps, the cyber security crimes are generally low for the mobile app users. The mobile applications are uploaded to the secured platforms like App Store, or Play Store. Hence, nobody could easily hack into your app and steal valuable user data.


Things to Keep in Mind When Converting Web Apps into Mobile Apps

web and smartphone app development


Ready to convert your web app into an amazing and user-friendly mobile application? Wait, here are a few things that should be kept in mind!

1. User-Interface is Important

user-*interface is very vital while developing any sort of mobile application. Even if your app has several advanced functionalities, and the user is not able to access them, then they all are in vain. Hence, make sure, that while converting your web app into a mobile app, you should pay heed to user-interface of both the platforms, viz. Material Design for Android, and Flat Design for iOS. 

2. More Functionalities

While a website may have limited features, having several advanced functionalities has always been a trend for the mobile apps. You need to have at least three to four exceptional features regardless of the basic features, to outgrow your competitors and make your app a hit in the global market. As an experienced leader in mobile app development sector, we would advice to add a few offline features in your app to better satisfy your customers. 

3. Suitable Development Tools

For anyone who has certain ideas of the development knows very well that tools for web and app development are not the same. You will be needing front-end developers, back-end developers, android developers (for android version) iOS developer (for iOS version), or cross-platform app developers (for both platforms). In short, you will be needing a whole different framework and resources to efficiently convert your web app into a mobile app.

4. Testing is Needed

Last but not least, testing is the most fundamental and essential part of mobile app development. If you are thinking that you have tested your website and now mobile app is just a miniature version of your app, then you are wrong. Mobile app is a completely different platform, with extra functionalities, better user-interface, and reach. In such a case, even a slightest of the bug can put your brand’s value at stake.

Read More: What are cross-platform mobile app testing services?  

How to Convert a Web App into a Mobile App?

web app into a mobile app

So, we are at the most awaited section of our article  how to convert a web app into a mobile app? Let’s have a closer look at it!

1. Discuss the Project’s Feasibility

First and foremost, you will be needing an expert to discuss your project’s feasibility. You need to consult an experienced software engineering firm like Matellio, that can guide all the processes of the conversion of web apps into a successful mobile app. Outline the basic ideas of your app, list out the features you wish to have in your mobile app and discuss them with your technology partner.  

An experienced consultant will surely offer you the best and most cost-effective way to transform your idea into a reality. Plus, an experienced firm will also have all their dedicated resources needed to complete your project on time and with efficiency.   

2. Select a Perfect Development Team

Once you have discussed and framed a perfect development strategy, it is now time to finalize your development team. You will need to figure out all the dedicated resources you will be needing for a smooth and effective mobile app development. Resources like Project Manager, Developers, UI/UX Designers, Testers, and so on are the basic elements of a perfect development team.

Also, make sure that you hire your development team from an experienced software engineering firm. Why? That’s because, an experienced firm will have all the answers to the problems that might come during the development process. Furthermore, they have the best resources readily available that will ensure a fast and cost-effective app development.

Additional Resources: How to Hire Mobile App Developers- Top 10 Tips  

3. Focus on UI/UX Part of the App

UI/UX plays a crucial role in the mobile app development sector. As discussed above, even if you have several advanced features in your app, and they are not accessible by your user, then they are of no value. Having a user-friendly and intuitive interface has become a basic and essential need of the mobile sector today!

Hence, invest much into the designing of your app. Again, with a proper and experienced software engineering firm like Matellio, you will have no issues regarding the UI/UX part of your app. Experienced firms have professional designers and UX/UI engineers that perfectly caters to different needs and wants of your business and your users. 

4. Testing and Bug Fixing

Last but surely not least is testing and deployment. Now, many of the marketers might think that testing may not be needed while converting their web app into a mobile application, but that is completely wrong! 

Testing is the most fundamental and essential part of the mobile app development sector, and even a slightest mistake can cost you a lot. Hence, make sure to test your app in and out to eliminate all such circumstances. Also, these days, automated testing is in trend. So, try to ask your technology partner, whether they offer automated testing service or not! 

Also Read: Automation Testing for Mobile Applications: A Guide to Ensuring Quality and Efficiency 

iOS mobile app development platform

Ready to Start with Mobile App Development?

So, those were some of the benefits and the procedure to convert your web apps into mobile apps. To conclude, we can say that the demand for mobile apps is continuously growing in the global market. Due to their user-friendly behavior and  interactive designs, many leading marketers are gradually shifting from web apps to mobile applications. In such a scenario, it is beneficial to shift your business operations from web to mobile. 

We, at Matellio, have professional mobile app developers, and testers that ensure a smooth and high-end mobile application. With our years of experience in mobile app development, we promise to deliver an error-free and user-friendly mobile application that suits your brand value. Ready to witness efficient and cost-effective working? Reach us today and get a free 30-minute expert consultation! 

Till then, Happy Reading!

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