How to build a Custom Corporate Training Software?

Updated on Oct 18th, 2024

Custom Corporate Training Software

Employee training is an essential process which successful organizations in the world go through. It is a method of nurturing your employees for growth and productivity coupled with the goals of your company. As a company, when you invest in the development of employees, then their willingness to stick with organization increases. But as great as it sounds, the process is quite laborious.

Digitization has its impact everywhere, even to the corporate training programs. For effective training, and seamless workforce operations , there are numerous corporate training softwares available in the market.

Here, in this guide we will cover each and every nook of the corporate training software in detail. To know more, keep reading!

An organization's ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage. – Jack Welch, former chairman & CEO, General Electric

What Is a Corporate Training Software?

Corporate Training Software

Corporate Training Software is a web-based tool employed by companies to deliver online corporate training programs to their employees. The software provides a facility of creating training modules, adding interactive elements, and delivering them securely to the employees. It can track the progress of trainees in addition to providing feedback. Employees can complete the modules at their own pace, and help them to retain information effectively. The all-in-one employee training software can ease a lot of your work and improvise the productivity of your employees. Moreover, it reduces the cost spent on instructors, classroom facilities, physical training materials, and others. Overall, the software makes learning and teaching in the online setup fast, easy, and effective.

Types of Corporate Training Programs

The employee life-cycle requires the following types of employee training programs-

Pre-Employment Testing 

It is an essential part of the recruitment process as it assists the companies in finding suitable candidates, fitting the requirements of a role.


Onboarding or Employee Induction is provided to introduce the new employees to their responsibilities, roles, and the culture of the company. Onboarding training is meant to integrate the workforce quickly into the system.


The compliance training is for educating the employees about all the rules and regulations that are applicable to the daily job routine.

Lifelong Training

The skill development programs for employees lie under this category.  This ongoing education is provided to staff members for keeping them updated with technology and new practices. The lifelong training program safeguards the top talent of the company by catering to their development needs.

Benefits of a Corporate Training Software

Corporate Training software eases the  development, delivery, and management of the employee training program.It offer various benefits to the user, few of which are them as follows:

Reduce the Training Cycle

An online employee training software minimizes disruptions, facilitates content creation, automates grading system which shortens the training cycle.

Accelerate Learning

Personalized learning paths, interactive courses, and progress sharing fastens the learning process of employees.

Automates Processes

The corporate training software automates the repeatable tasks for instance, grading assignments and tests.

Simplifies Content Creation

Corporate Training software reduces the time of mentors and companies as the intuitive course builder allows the quick addition of course content. The admin, mentors, instructors, and the authorized parties can edit the content easily.

Reduction of Costs

A corporate training software reduces many costs of staff training including venue, travel, and instructor costs. Once the software is launched, all the courses can be utilized over and over again.

Increase Employee Retention

The long term training program keeps the employees updated with new skills and technologies which satiates their hunger for knowledge.

Strategic Training

The software allows the addition of topic and department based courses which improves the overall productivity.

Track Performance

Tools integrated in the application track the learning progress, and individual employee performance in real-time.

Features of a Corporate Training Software

1. Admin Panel

Administrators can manage every aspect of the software. They have the visibility of all the application settings


As an admin, access the system using special credentials provided by developers. The admin would be able to administer the complete system.

Course Management

Admin can manage the various courses provided by different trainers and opted by different trainees effectively. Various filters would sort the list as per the requirement.

User Management 

The user management option would enlist the different kinds of users involved in the system- trainer and trainee. Admin can view their profiles, activities and progress chart.

Push Notifications

Whenever there is an improvised version of software, or some new event or course has been added to the platform; admin can send notification to the concerned user.


Deadliness of course ending, or a test approaching, assignment submission can be sent as a reminder by the admin.

2. Trainer Panel

Trainers can generate courses, view enrollments, manage training materials, mark attendance, view reports, and monitor the layout of training modules.


Login the system as a trainer using the basic details required by the system. Create a profile which can be viewed by trainees, and start your journey of mentorship.

Add Content

The trainers can add the content in the course panel which can be accessed by the students. All the content will be available to download for an easy learning.

Edit Content

The trainer has the authority to edit the course content and even send notifications to the students for the improvised versions.

Add Event

Trainers can initiate various discussion events, seminars, virtual online conferences for the students associated with a particular course. 

Check Progress

The trainer can view the progress report of students associated with his course. The passing rate would help in determining how much more assistance is needed from his end.

3. Trainee Panel

Trainees are the employee which can access the course with basic permissions. They can view training material, do assignments, and give tests in addition to checking their progress reports.


Login into the employee training software as a trainee. Input the basic details required by the system and begin your journey of learning.


Onboarding feature provides you with all the information of the company’s policies and regulations to be abided by employees. It contains information about the company’s history, culture, values, team, accreditations, and policies.

View Courses

After logging into the system, check out the list of courses available in the portal. The courses are subdivided using various filters like industry, department, and subject.

Discussion Portal

Discussion is a good habit especially when it comes to learning some skill set. A discussion portal facilitates the employees to share their point of views regarding a subject with their fellow beings. This feature makes the learning journey much more interesting and healthy.

Progress Report

The progress chart gives a deep inside of the employee’s learning curve. It helps in monitoring their growth and determining the completion time of every subject.

It also points to the overall score an employee has accumulated in the training.

Certification Tracker

Upon completion of a course or program, the employee receives a successful completion certificate. This tab keeps track of all the certificates acquired in an employee’s learning journey.

Customize Your Corporate Training Software with These Additional Features

There are a number of corporate training solutions available in the market covering the wide range of feature kit. But these software may or may not be justice to your needs. Hence, consider having your own corporate training solution customized to your organization’s requirements. Apart from the basic feature set discussed below, you can also consider adding this tools for making it more interactive and user-friendly-


Learning for the sake of learning is not a bad idea but it indeed is boring! Integrate gamification features such as points, leaderboard, and badges to inspire active participation amongst users. Gamification would make the learning interesting and the user can cover modules quickly in the desire to earn badges.
Read More: Gamification in eLearning

Socialized Learning

Socialized learning will enhance the experience because of the community involvement. Users can share their queries with colleagues pursuing the same subject. This way, many confusions would be solved at the learner’s end.

Chatbots Integration

Integrating a chatbot in the app would be very beneficial as the learner can interact at every stage of the learning. The employee can have real-time conversations and get a lot of help in completing the assignments. Giving alerts about the deadline approaching, checking upon assignments completion, identifying basic mistakes would be some of the tasks a chatbot can perform.

Online Consultation

At times study material, and discussion forums are not enough. The employee may need to have one-on-one conversation with the trainer. This can be possible using video conferencing. There could also be other ways for online consultation such as- chatting, or email feature.

Learning-on-the Go

Consider having a mobile version of your web-based application as it will make it easy for your employees to learn anywhere, and anytime. When a trainee decides to complete an assignment in off-timings, he can easily avail the iOS/ Android app for the same.

Interactive Quizzes

Enhance the interactivity of course by integrating fun quizzes associated with the course content. These quizzes scores can act as a mid-way grading system for tracking the progress chart.

What to Consider before Building a Corporate Training Solution?

Create a Outline

One of the major issues companies face is stumbling over a system with unnecessary bells and buttons. These additional unused features may not really contribute to the learning path but rather be an overhead. Create a fixed set of features you wish to integrate in the application before getting in the field. You can avail the feature kit shared above in the read for more clearance.

Cross-Platform Development

As discussed above, your platform should be accessible from anywhere and anytime. The employees should be able to do the assignment from their mobile devices as well. Do not restrict the application to your desktop as it will limit the learners from exploring the potential of digitization. Hence, invest in the mobile app development services for a better experience.

Experiential Learning Methodology

Don’t be confined to conventional training methods. Leverage online tests, discussion forums reduce the overall costs of training. Also, employ some gamification techniques, and interactive quizzes to keep the users’ interest hooked and give them a taste of real-life scenarios.

Concentrate on an adaptive solution

Invest in an application which is not rigid to accept the changes. A corporate training software should rather be able to embrace adaptivity for meeting the needs of a constantly changing environment.

Clear Communication

For a quick and efficient project development it is very important to have a clear communication with the development team. Convey your requirements and be in touch with them throughout the process. Transparency in communication would keep you updated about the progress of application.

Tech Stack

Have a proper tech stack for your employee training software development.  The application development will be based on the following components:

  • Web Server
  • DataBase
  • Framework, etc.

For their development, there are many tools and technologies available in the market. However, Matellio holds expertise in many trending technologies like Ruby, Laravel, PHP, Python, MongoDB, MySQL, React JS, WordPress, and many more.

Our experts would build a solution from scratch with the preferred technology stack.

Outsourcing Development 

If you have decided to outsource the development then consider hiring a firm with prior experience in the domain. Check the portfolios of different software companies and obtain a detailed insight of their expertise before making the final call.

The pricing model of the vendor should be clearly stated as this is where conflicts may arise. It is recommended to gather price quotations from different firms in the beginning.

Also, check whether your hired vendor offers post-launch maintenance or not. As it is very important to have somebody looking after your breaks and scratches.

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How Can Matellio Help?

Training is important for employee growth, and the right employee training solution comes in handy in this situation. As an organization, it is essential for you to select a perfect corporate learning management solution tailored to your organizational requirements. Partnering with an LMS development company ensures that you receive a customized solution that meets the specific needs of your workforce.

Matellio is a twenty plus year experienced software development studio. Our developers hold expertise in mobile and web applications covering all range of projects for a long time now.

Got some suggestions? Feel free to sound off in the comment box below. Happy Learning!

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