A website is the most important medium to take your business online, even more important than your Instagram and Linkedin profiles. It not only showcases relevant information about your products and team members but is also where your potential clients get a sneak-peek of how you present your business to the world and, ultimately, decide to contact you.
For the ones who think their website is a one-time investment, it’s a high time to take an online tour of various contemporary sites. Presently, they are more glamorous than ever, giving the users a perfect reason to stay.
And if you’re trying to spot the difference between their glamour and your okayish looking work, you’ve landed on the right page.
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1: Is your Website Responsive?
It’s official, users are browsing the internet more with their tablets and mobile phones in comparison to desktop. Nothing is more frustrating than exploring a site where you have to use your fingers for enlarging each page to read the text or having your thumb continually clicking on the wrong link. And you may lose these potential customers if your site does not provide a seamless experience across all devices. Also, people need that if they saved a product in cart on mobile, it is still available when they go to the site using their laptop. They want to be able to do the research on their phones and share the information they’ve found with friends and colleagues. Having a mobile and tablet-friendly website is essential for capturing and converting a huge chunk of traffic that visits your site.
Also, responsivity is the major ranking factor. So, if you wish to please Google and get better rankings for a website, you ought to pay extra attention to this very feature.
2: Is it optimized according to Mobile devices?
As more and more number of users are using mobile devices for shopping, research, and payments, it is vital that e-commerce sites give seamless experience on handsets. As per Statista, 24% of E-commerce sites( in the retail sector) are now technically known as M-commerce. Therefore, the online brands need to gear up and optimize their sites according to small screens.
3: Maybe the data collection strategy is unclear!
Online companies rely on customer data to stay up to date on the market and provide better customer satisfaction. Brands that have data-driven strategy incur more profits and grow faster than the companies who lack this particular trait.
E-commerce businesses need special attention to this. They need to adapt the data minimization strategy instead of building huge databases. A data collection strategy narrows down to three basic questions:
The reason behind collecting data?
What is the use of this information?
How is it going to be implemented?
Firstly define a strategy and then determine the methods your team can implement the data. The data can be any form such as shopping recommendations, custom offers/ discounts, or email-marketing.
4: Does it look outdated?
A website is the face of business. And companies go through a redesign process for different reasons, but the main one is its old-look. A numerous number of companies still have websites that look like they were done decades ago. Even a layman in web designing can tell they’re obsolete. This could impact your company, especially if a consumer gets to choose between several competitors. Unquestionably users are going to opt for a company that has a nice-looking, easy-to-use website because it indicates that the company is growing and adapting to the latest trends and technologies.
5: Decreasing Sales is a Red Flag!
Decrement in sales, lack of new customers, or no new activity on the sites are some of the signals that you shouldn’t ignore. They sign towards a website revamp but before proceeding for the same you gotta have answers of following questions:
Why are sales reducing?
Any external force contributing to decreasing sales?
Is your design alluring enough?
Proper research will answer all these queries. Check out your competitor’s data and make sure that your site doesn’t miss any relevant features. After all, 40% of the shoppers leverage E-commerce platforms for purchasing. Therefore, one needs to stay tuned with the rising market standards.
6: Don’t Take Online Reviews lightly!
Bad Reviews are nothing but reputation spoiler. If your site has too many of them, then it is high time you consider redesigning your website. People nowadays read the review before buying anything. And how they seriously they take these reviews can be seen in the survey done by BrightLocal According to BrightLocal, 57% of shoppers will only buy from a site that has four-plus stars.
Additionally, a survey by reviewtrackers, shows that the negative reviews convince 94% of customers surveyed to avoid the company.
7: Perhaps your website is not functioning properly!
Design is not the only thing to stress about while you are considering a website redesign. A proper development plan is also vital. A great-looking site that doesn’t work properly because of some functionality issues will only lead to business loss. A lot of times, I have heard people complaining about their shopping cart efficiency, and often it takes the company months or even years before getting it fixed. The company may lose more money during that time than what the site upgrade might cost them.
8: Think About Security
Cyber-attacks have become daily occurrences, with 30,000 websites hacked per day. This is quite expensive for the businesses on the receiving end of this criminal activity. So, is your site safe? If not, you’re at risk.
After all, the website is your livelihood and a logo of your brand. And you wouldn’t like it if somebody snatches away your hard-earned profits, would you? In this insecure environment, a revamp will shield your website with a safety net. During your revamp, developers will analyze the site’s bug history and will build a better and more secure channel. Reliable companies are prudent about security and readily pay to fix any problems that may arise.
Having a trendy, fresh & intuitive website is the key to online business success. It is one of the most effective marketing tools you have at your disposal. Make the most of it by keeping it updated and flawless.
If you can relate to a few of the points mentioned above, it might be the right time to give this operation,” website redesign,” a kick start.