10 Quick Ways to Increase your Conversion Rate of eCommerce Website

Updated on Jan 5th, 2024


For anyone who has worked in digital marketing very well knows the importance of conversion rates in e-commerce. Whether you are engaged with a brick-and-mortar shop or an online website, conversion rates play a significant role in enhancing your sales and profits.

Even if you have better traffic on your page, it is of no use if the prospects are not converting into leads and eventually into clients.

For instance, if your store is located in a busy market, but if none of the people visit your store, that active market is of no use to you! Similar is the working procedure for SEO and CRO. To run an effective website, you need both of them, i.e., good traffic and a perfect conversion rate! In fact, the primary goal of the marketing campaigns is to convince people to sign up for your form, buy your products, and leverage your services, provide their email id, and so on.

So, to help you with that thing, we have compiled a list of top ten tricks that could help you in conversion rate optimization for your e-commerce website. But, first things first!

What is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)?

Conversion rate is the metric that you can use to check your e-commerce website’s effectiveness in generating sales and luring customers. In other words, your site’s capability to compel; the users to buy your products and leverage your services is termed as conversion rate. Now, the conversion rate is majorly divided into two types:

1. Macro

The macro conversions simply refer to the significant actions that you have planned for your website. It can be signing the newsletters, buying your products, or booking your services. They directly impact the growth and sales of your e-commerce website.

2. Micro

Another type of conversion rate is micro conversions. Micro conversions are the smaller steps that you take towards the growth of your website. No significant impact is created on your e-commerce business under micro conversions. However, they can broadly impact the prospects and your brand value in some way or the other. Watching your videos and adding your products in the basket and checking your homepage are some of the common examples of micro conversions. Even following you on social media, or promoting your brand on social platforms is also an example of micro-conversion rates.

In short, your entire conversion rate will be based on these two types. The e-commerce website can have multiple factors that are included in the conversion cycle. To name them, we have:

1. Website Checking

2. Viewing your Products

3. Adding them to Cart

4. Checkout

5. Placing Order

You can always look at these factors whenever you feel to optimize your conversion rates for your e-commerce website.

10 Effective Ways to Increase your Conversion Rates Right Now

Now that you are aware of the term conversion rates let’s quickly discuss the top ten ways to boost conversions of your e-commerce site.

1. Improve Your Content’s Readability

Content-Conversion-RatesThe first thing that you can do to increase your conversion rate is to pay heed to your website’s content. Content is king, and that saying holds even in today’s tech-driven world. User experience begins with your content, and if it is not readable and engaging, then your users might leave your website without any conversions.

If the customers don’t find anything useful in your content during their first few seconds of reading, then they might leave the post without even completely scrolling down till last. Similarly, if your post only emphasizes your products and not on your customers, then also they’ll get irritated and might never come back!

What could be done?

To eliminate such circumstances, you need to improve your content’s readability. Focus on meaningful lines rather than posting large chunks of texts. Use more trending yet easy words that could clearly convey your business goal and in a luring language. Use big and bold texts wherever necessary and focus on colours to boost conversions.

A perfectly research-oriented, filled with examples and humorous or informative content can speak for itself rather than a lengthy text that only has your product descriptions. So, use different heading to differentiate your essential content. Use numerics and bullets to simplify long texts, and bold the keywords if needed.

2. State a Clear Value Proposition

One of the vital factors on which your conversion rate depends is the value proposition. Many marketers focus on font size, colours, and style while framing a website, but they forget about enhancing their value proposition.

But, what is a value proposition?

A value proposition is nothing but a storing reason that any user needs to know why he should buy your product? It is a term that describes what your product is and how it is beneficial to your customer.

If you provide even five strong lines on that product and its importance for your user, then you have high chances that the prospect may convert into a loyal customer.

What could be done?

To build a strong value proposition, you need to analyze your competitor and need to excel in what they are doing. Meaning, try to emphasize your business and products and tell your users how you are any different from your competitors.

Show them your unique products and services, and communicate your goals effectively to your users to optimize results. Try catchy lines for that that can quickly convince the users to try your products. Remember, maximizing the value proposition is a constant process and needs to be customized as per the user.

3. Optimize your Paid Ads

Paid Ads Conversion RatesOne of the quickest ways to boost conversions for your e-commerce store is to ensure that the right audience is visiting your store. If you are not marketing your site or content in front of the right target group, you may miss some serious business!

Now, suppose you got the right kind of targets, and you started a paid campaign to boost your store’s effectiveness. However, creating a simple paid ad is not enough to boost conversions. You also need to optimize it as per your business goals and needs.

What could be done?

You can always set a defined goal in your paid campaign to inform the platform of why you created this campaign. If you want to boost conversions and select Facebook for it, you can set your campaign goal to ‘Conversions’ in the Facebook Ads.

Defining your campaign’s fundamental goal helps the platform efficiently understand your main aim so that it can provide you effective results. You only set a prescribed goal and let Google Ads/ Facebook Ads do the work!

Increase you conversion rate

4. Make your Site Mobile-friendly

ecommerce mobile siteThe world today has gone mobile. From booking cabs to scheduling a doctor’s appointment, everything can be achieved through a simple mobile app. Even the people today spend more time on their smartphones than on anything else.

In such a scenario, if you do not provide mobile services to your global audience, then you may lose some of the precious deals and customers. Even if your site is not mobile-friendly, people will leave it even before reaching the mid-half of it!

What could be done? 

The screen size of mobiles is generally smaller than that of the desktop. So, you need to select the menus and designs in such a manner that it perfectly fits on the mobile screen. For instance, try to choose menus like ‘hamburger’ style (the image is shown above). Also, keep your content limited to the mobile size and optimize the images properly.

5. Invest in Strong Call-to-Actions

Strong call-to-action is a much-needed aspect for increasing the conversion rates of any e-commerce site or any other website. Call-to-actions are compelling texts and links that engage people with your actual products and services.

You can bring traffic to your website if you place proper CTAs on your page or blogs. However, many times, people put too many CTAs or put them at an incorrect position that hampers your brand image. In other words, it creates a false image of your brand that you are only into selling and not valuing the customer needs.

What could be done?

Try to incorporate strong CTAs on your page, but at the right position. Anything you write to fascinate your users can end with a CTA that can guide them to your actual products or services. Moreover, also try to experiment with your call-to-action, i.e., you can implement different forms and texts for different places.

Blogs, campaigns, social media, and web pages are places where you can put your CTAs. However, the content may vary for each of them!

6. Build a Sales Funnel

Sometimes, you may soon jump to conclusions, and that’s what impacts your conversion rates. As in, you ask your customer too early to buy your products, which could kill the user’s communication or interest.

The chances are high that they may be surfing your site for the first time or looking for a more relevant product. Whatever the case may be, you need to remember that the more complex your products or services will be, the more time it will take the user to buy it! That case happens, especially in the software development industry!

What could be done? 

Provide sufficient time for your clients before asking them to purchase your products. Built a sales funnel to entice your customers over different levels like awareness, interest, and sales. Try to build trust first and then empower your relationship with the users. For instance, try to provide them free demos or free quotes for your products or services.

Even if you cannot, try to give them at least space or consultation over what they are looking for. When you are done with a proper sales funnel, you will not need to ask your users to buy them. They will themselves buy them after witnessing your active services.

7. Enhance your Customer Service

As discussed above, better customer services play a vital role in enhancing conversion rates. If you do not solve your customer queries on time or do not provide practical assistance, they may soon leave your site forever!

Furthermore, with proper customer service, you also have the chance to get new customers from your old ones. However, if you do not engage your existing users, then you may not get the unique benefit from them!

What could be done? 

Always try to solve your customer queries in the best and fastest way possible. For that, you need to have a dedicated customer service department. However, the world is changing today, and things are becoming more digital. So, you can also go for an AI-driven chatbot to improve your customer services.

These smart chatbots can understand your customer’s queries and emotions and can provide them with the best solutions even without any human intervention. Additionally, with the advancements in natural language processing and ML, the chatbots are becoming more humanly and smart these days. So, do try them and witness better sales and improved customer experience.

8. Build Urgency with Limited Time Offers

e-Commerce-Limited-Time-OffersIf you are not receiving much traffic or sales from your e-commerce website, then it is high time to introduce scarcity in your products. You need to tell your user that ascertain product or service is getting low and might not be available after a certain period.

Now, the pressure is on the people interested in your product but might not be buying it for any reason. As soon as they hear or see this kind of scarcity, the chances are high that they will buy it soonest possible.

What could be done?

There are many ways through which you can introduce limited time offers on your web page. For instance, you can provide a fantastic offer with a count-down timer that says this offer is only available for a specific time. Furthermore, you can even promise next-day delivery only on particular products or for a particular period.

People today love to get offers, and having limited time offers even compels them to buy certain things that they may not buy during regular days! So, try to take as many benefits from this trick, but try not to repeat it so often. Otherwise, that sense of interest and excitement may vanish from your user’s minds.

9. Provide Testimonials to your Users

Adding testimonials and portfolios on your e-commerce site can lead to a 34% boost in conversion rates.

Yes, you heard it right! If you provide reviews and quotes of actual people who have used your products or services, it can have a high impact on your conversion rates. People like to check the feasibility of the thing they are buying, and getting reviews from real people can help them a lot to build trust for your brand!

What could be done?

Try to add some excellent projects and client reviews on your web page to entice more genuine customers. Tell you, past users, post their reviews about your services and products, and then use them to improve your relationships with your prospects.

You can use some of the free themes available on the internet to add a review section to your site. Or else, you can even ask a UI engineer, or developer to add a certain section in your existing e-commerce site. Testimonials add a sense of trust in your user’s mind, and that increases the chances of them becoming your future valuable customer.

10. Ensure a Safe Shopping for your Users

Last but not least, you need to show your user that your e-commerce site is a hundred percent safe and secure to shop. The world is getting digital each day, and new online stores are opening in large numbers. In such a scenario, people might get confused over which shop is genuine and fraud!

Additionally, the increasing cases of online hackings, wrong product delivery, poor customer service, and credit card frauds are also becoming a significant concern for their online shoppers. They are now in a state of mind where they find it challenging to decide which shopping site is genuine and which is not!

What could be done?

To build trust amongst your users, you should provide various trusted certificates and seals, offer an authentic certification with your every product or service, and try to list all the big names that you have worked with. People always tend to love a business that the top marketers have trusted.

You can even get your hands on certification badges of some prominent payment gateways and seals of some leading online security firms. That can increase your chances of getting more conversions by almost 137%! Norton Security, PayPal, Google Pay, are some of the trusted certificates and seals that you can use on your e-commerce site to build trust amongst your users.


Over to you!

Those were some of the quickest ways to increase your conversion rates and make more sales and profits. If you are following some of them, try other tricks mentioned in the article. Also, if you have anything extra besides all those mentioned tricks, feel free to tell us. We would be glad to hear from you!

At last, you need to make at least a few tweaks here and there to make the most of your online store. Remember, SEO and CRO are the two significant aspects of the e-commerce market, and effectively handling both can result in huge profits and sales. Ready to step in the e-commerce market? Launch your online store with us and get all the benefits of working with an experienced software engineering firm.

We ensure security, credibility, and feature-rich design and development of your e-commerce store. Plus, our SEO experts promise to make your online store accessible on the global platform. Reach us today to book your free consultation!

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