A Complete Guide on eLearning Software Development

Updated on Jul 26th, 2024


Software to develop, deliver, and track training programs for your customers, employees, and partners.

Everywhere everyone is talking about eLearning today. No wonder online- Learning is having its moment!

The coronavirus outbreak has completely changed all facets of our lives, including employment and academic training. Not just a shift to computer screens in offices and classrooms… There’s more to it! Businesses are looking for ways to completely shift towards remote training programs while schools are experimenting with attendance, instruction, and testing strategies.

The pandemic has majorly impacted lots of industries. Some of them came to a complete halt, while others thrived. eLearning is one of the few areas that have experienced growth – aiding people in improving themselves in those challenging times, making the eLearning sector the most viable business strategy today.

Nothing to doubt about the fact that eLearning platforms are on the rise today, whether they take the shape of well-liked course websites or online student communities with lecture recordings.

If you do decide to enter this market and launch your own online learning platform, though, have a look at the guide below. Here, we’ve compiled the top benefits, types, factors, and more you should take into account when creating your eLearning software. Further, feel free to request a quote for any confusion; we will help you with every step of development and also provide a free consultation if you need any.

Tip- If you want your eLearning software to stand out from the crowd, make sure that your concept is ORIGINAL.

Table of Contents

What is eLearning Software?

Let’s start with the fundamentals first. So, what exactly is eLearning software?

Electronic Learning or you can say eLearning, is a broad term used to describe the delivery of training materials through electronic (and digital) resources.

With the development of technology, eLearning has become a crucial component of contemporary education and is only becoming more and more well-liked by today’s generation. Students can access educational resources, interact with teachers and peers, and complete tasks at any time and location in the modern world with eLearning software.

The term “eLearning” refers to a variety of training methods that use digital technology to make course material more available, affordable, and effective than in-person instruction or printed manuals. Via eLearning solutions, students can access customized content from any device with an internet connection. Any form of education that is offered electronically, most frequently online, is referred to as e-Learning.

The digital education materials include interactive quizzes, educational games, lectures, and assignments, getting accessed from anywhere, thereby, speeding up the entire learning process.

The software comes in various types and designs, ranging from basic learning management systems (LMS) to sophisticated adaptive learning systems. These systems can be used for different educational purposes, such as corporate training, language learning, and formal education.

Let’s go through each type one by one.

Types and Designs of eLearning

Now that you know all about eLearning software, let’s talk about some of the types of eLearning. There are several types of e-learning, each with its own unique features and benefits. Here are some:

Asynchronous eLearning

Asynchronous e-learning involves self-paced online courses that can be accessed anytime and anywhere. Learners can study at their own pace, review material as often as they need, and interact with instructors and peers through discussion forums, email, or other communication tools.

Examples of asynchronous learning tools include:

  • Self-paced courses
  • Discussion groups
  • Forums/message boards
  • Polls and quizzes
  • Digital documents
  • Recorded audio and video
  • Slides with or without narration

Some other examples of asynchronous e-learning include online courses, webinars, and instructional videos.

Synchronous eLearning

Synchronous e-learning involves real-time, live online instruction that simulates the traditional classroom experience. Learners participate in virtual classrooms with instructors and peers, engage in discussions, and receive feedback in real-time.

Examples of synchronous learning tools include:

  • Virtual classrooms
  • Scheduled online examinations
  • Live presentations
  • Live chat (text, audio, and video)
  • Live polls and quizzes

Some other examples of synchronous e-learning include online lectures, webinars, and live video conferences.

Blended eLearning or Hybrid eLearning

Blended Learning is a blend of both online and face-to-face instruction, creating a hybrid learning experience. Learners can access online materials, complete assignments, and assessments, and interact with instructors and peers online while also attending in-person lectures, workshops, or lab sessions.

The blended model augments the learner experience and ensures:

  • Flexibility and easy access to learning materials
  • Social Learning and enhanced communication
  • Peer support
  • Lower travel and training expenses
  • Personalization
  • Improved retention
  • Increased learning effectiveness

Examples of blended Learning include flipped classrooms, which involve pre-recorded lectures and online activities, followed by in-person discussions and application exercises.

Some other most common ones include:


Learning Management System (LMS)

It is software that companies use to create, deliver, and monitor training programs for their clients, partners, and staff. This kind of software typically supports content in a variety of formats, such as text, audio, video, photos, slideshows, podcasts, quizzes, and Hyperlinks, among others.

LMS, the most popular type of eLearning software, is a web-based platform that provides a centralized location for educators to create, manage, and deliver educational content to students. It offers features such as course management, grade books, and student tracking.

A learning management system, or LMS, is utilized by numerous institutions for a variety of use cases.

  • Universities, institutions, and schools combine traditional teaching methods with digital tools to deliver a successful educational experience, design individualized Learning pathways, raise student achievement, and adjust to modern realities.
  • LMSs are used by businesses to train staff members, quickly onboard new hires, and educate customers about their products and services. Additionally, an LMS enables product demos so that leads and prospects can see how your solution can ease their problems and confirm that it lives up to its promises.
  • Franchisees and dealers can utilize LMSs to convey corporate policies and improve staff product knowledge. In this situation, LMSs serve to link workers to a brand and guarantee that each member of the team has access to the tools necessary for optimal performance.   

If you too have a requirement for an LMS software development for your Business, nothing can be better than approaching a leading eLearning software development company like us that will provide you with the software just like you need.

Also Read- How to Develop an AI-based Learning Management System?

Authoring Tools

Authoring Tools are pieces of software for training and development that enable the creation of digital learning materials. This might be as easy as using a Word program or as complicated as using a graphic design program. With the aid of eLearning authoring tools, you can create and edit multimedia elements to serve the content’s intended function.

A few of the areas where you can use authoring tools are:

Articulate Storyline: A popular authoring tool that allows educators to create interactive eLearning content without programming skills.

Adobe Captivate: An authoring tool that provides templates, multimedia integration, and assessments to create engaging eLearning content.  

Camtasia: It’s a screen recording and video editing tool that allows educators to create video-based eLearning content. Further, you can also use e-learning software for:

Virtual Classrooms

Virtual classrooms are an increasingly popular tool for eLearning, providing a flexible and interactive platform for remote Learning. A virtual classroom typically includes features such as video conferencing, chat, screen sharing, interactive whiteboards, and collaboration tools.

One of the benefits of virtual classrooms is that they can accommodate learners from anywhere in the world, making it easier to reach a global audience. They also provide a more interactive and engaging learning experience than traditional eLearning methods, allowing learners to ask questions, participate in discussions, and work collaboratively with others.

Virtual classrooms can be used for a wide range of eLearning purposes, from traditional academic courses to corporate training and professional development. They are customizable to meet the specific needs of learners and can be accessed from any device with an internet connection.

Zoom: A popular video conferencing platform that provides features such as screen sharing, chat, and breakout rooms.

Microsoft Teams: A collaboration platform that includes video conferencing, chat, and file sharing.

Google Meet: A video conferencing platform that integrates with Google Classroom and provides features such as screen sharing and virtual backgrounds.

Simulation Software

Simulation eLearning software is a type of technology that allows learners to engage in realistic simulations of real-world scenarios and activities. This type of software is often used in industries such as healthcare, aviation, and manufacturing, where hands-on experience and practice are critical for success.

Simulation eLearning software can be designed to mimic a variety of scenarios, such as medical procedures, emergency situations, or manufacturing processes. The software typically includes interactive elements that allow learners to practice skills and make decisions in a safe and controlled environment. For example, medical simulation software may allow learners to practice diagnosing and treating patients, while aviation simulation software may allow learners to practice flying planes or troubleshooting mechanical issues.

SimLabIT: A simulation software that provides virtual labs for students to practice real-world scenarios in fields such as medicine and engineering.

Labster: A virtual lab platform that provides interactive simulations and virtual experiments for science courses.

Second Life: A virtual world platform that provides a 3D environment for students to practice real-world scenarios in various fields.   


This involves incorporating game elements, such as points, badges, and leaderboards, into e-learning courses to make them more engaging and motivating for learners. Gamification can help increase learner engagement, motivation, and retention of information. Examples of gamified e-learning include language learning apps that use game mechanics to help learners master new vocabulary and grammar rules.

Kahoot!: A game-based learning platform that provides quizzes, surveys, and interactive games to enhance the learning experience.

Classcraft: A role-playing game that rewards students for positive behavior and academic achievements.

Duolingo: A language-learning app that uses gamification elements such as rewards and leaderboards to engage learners.

Also Read: Gamification in eLearning: An Overview

Mobile Apps

Mobile Learning, or m-learning, involves using mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, to access educational content and complete learning activities. M-learning is often self-paced and can be accessed anytime and anywhere, making it convenient for learners who are always on the go. Examples of mobile Learning include educational apps, games, and quizzes.

Coursera: A mobile app that offers online courses from top universities and organizations.

Khan Academy: A free mobile app that offers educational videos and interactive exercises for a range of subjects.

Quizlet: A mobile app that provides flashcards, quizzes, and games to help students study and learn.

Read More: eLearning App Development – How to Create an App like Quizlet?

Overall, e-learning offers a flexible and convenient way for learners to acquire new knowledge and skills. The different types of e-learning can be tailored to suit the requirements and preferences of learners, making it a versatile and effective educational tool.

With so many of its types, it can sometimes be difficult to choose the best eLearning software for your company. This decision will be influenced by a variety of factors, including your technical proficiency, how sophisticated you want your Learning to be, the magnitude of corporate content you need to produce, the size of your team, your budget, and whether you need a translation.

You can contact us anytime for any consultation regarding which software best suits your Business; we will be happy to help.

Now let’s look at some of the statistics on how learning is taking its place in digitalization.

Unleashing the Power of eLearning in Business: Key Statistics and Trends

E-learning has become an increasingly popular training and development tool for businesses in recent years. Here are some statistics that highlight its growing impact:

  • According to a report by eLearning Industry, the global corporate e-learning market is projected to reach $38 billion by 2026.
  • In a survey of HR professionals conducted by LinkedIn, 59% of respondents said that they use e-learning to upskill their employees.
  • According to a study by IBM, e-learning can boost productivity by up to 50% since it enables workers to complete their coursework when it is convenient for them.
  • E-learning can boost retention rates by up to 60% compared to conventional classroom training, according to a Brandon Hall Group study.
  • As per the study by the Association for Talent Development (ATD), businesses that provide thorough training programs earn 218% more per employee than those that don’t.
  • In a survey conducted by Udemy for Business, 70% of respondents said that e-learning helped them to stay up to date with industry trends and advancements.
  • A report by Deloitte found that companies that invest in employee development have 34% higher employee engagement and retention rates.
  • According to a study by the eLearning Guild, e-learning can reduce training time by up to 60% while improving knowledge retention and transfer.

Overall, these statistics suggest that e-learning is a powerful tool for businesses, helping them to improve productivity, retention rates, and employee engagement while reducing training time and costs. As technology continues to advance and e-learning platforms become more worldly, we can expect to see even more businesses incorporating e-learning into their training and development strategies.

The eLearning industry is growing at a breathtaking pace.

Certain industries have experienced faster development with time, especially the learning ones. By 2023, the e-Learning industry is anticipated to reach a value of over 240 billion.

How come?

Many causes, such as increased business productivity, necessity, and advantages for students, are responsible for this expansion.  Let’s see how it is affecting businesses.


How Does eLearning Affect Businesses?

Before you begin developing your eLearning software, it’s critical to understand the below mentioned five key points:

eLearning Increases Corporate Productivity

Businesses that choose to use eLearning platforms for employee training reap a variety of advantages. Research has demonstrated that eLearning programs significantly increase productivity and take up to 40% less time than in-person training.

There are numerous suggested explanations for these results. Employees can participate in interactive components, review and rewatch lessons, and absorb materials at their own pace. The advantages for Business and education, however, are apparent. In one survey, over half of the companies were questioned if eLearning had enhanced earnings.

Universities and Schools Are Embracing Online Learning

E-Learning is included in educational institutions’ programs and curricula. Significantly, more students than ever before are enrolling in programs through distance learning, which has seen a considerable increase in popularity over the past few years.

Universities can now provide programs to a larger audience while saving money thanks to digital course materials, which also give students the freedom and flexibility to study whenever they choose.

It Enables Businesses to Update Their Course Contents Using Data

Organizations may gather quick, accurate data regarding employee and student success using e-Learning platforms in a way that isn’t achievable with conventional techniques. Importantly, this enables teachers to see students who might be failing and offer early assistance.

Course designers may also see which training materials are successful in terms of engagement and learning outcomes and which fall short by using analytics tools. It is possible to make small, constant improvements since it is possible to identify underperforming content and evaluate substitutes.

There Is a Sizable Consumer Market for eLearning

The market share of eLearning extends beyond the Business and academic worlds.

Business-to-consumer eLearning platforms include Udemy, Masterclass, and Lynda.com. Self-contained, low-cost courses continue to gain popularity on the market. And a considerable amount is invested in numerous online course companies.

It Makes Use of Cutting-Edge Science to Provide Training That Is Quicker and More Efficient

The cutting edge of educational sciences is eLearning. A growing number of platforms and course developers are beginning to use tools like gamification, tests, progress tracking, and more.

Research has demonstrated that these kinds of learning effects, such as enhanced productivity and increased engagement, are achieved. A variety of technology tools are available to course designers so they can “tune in” to student tendencies. Enhancing performance, motivation, and retention in ways that otherwise wouldn’t have been feasible.

Further, Matellio’s digital transformation services powered by future-proof technologies prepare enterprises like yours for a new era of advancement and growth by providing you with the perfect learning software in demand. Request a quote today if you need any assistance!

Factors to Consider While Developing an eLearning Software

To develop engaging, interactive, and learner-centric eLearning software for users, you need to consider the following factors:

eLearning-Software-Development - -Factors-to-Consider

User Experience

User experience is a key factor to be considered while creating eLearning software. For students to effortlessly use the platform and obtain educational content, an intuitive and user-friendly interface must be designed. Clean design, simple navigation, and well-organized content can all help with this.


When creating eLearning software, compatibility is an important consideration. In order to guarantee that students may access the content from any device, whether it be a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, the program should be compatible with a variety of hardware and operating systems.


Concerns about security are quite important while using eLearning software. The student and teacher data should be protected by the application’s security measures. Encryption, secure authentication mechanisms, and other security measures can be used to achieve this.


The ability to scale is a crucial consideration when creating eLearning software. The platform should be able to accommodate an increase in users without experiencing performance issues. Scalable infrastructure and cloud-based services can be used to achieve this.


An essential component of eLearning software is analytics. An analytics system that provides information on student performance, engagement, and behavior should be included in the application. This information can be utilized to enhance the educational process and adapt the curriculum to the needs of each student.

Read More: Application of AI in Education: How to Bring Out the Best for Your Business

Benefits and Challenges to Build Your Own LMS Platform

One of the most popular ways to learn something new is now through the internet. Several eLearning websites are already available, but as demand rises, new ones are always being developed. As many enterprises are aware, developing one’s own LMS platform can be financially rewarding. When you start coming up with your own solution, it’s important to be aware of the benefits and drawbacks of online Learning as well as the most recent developments.


Time-FlexibilityTime Flexibility

Dissimilar to traditional classroom settings, services like Udemy or Coursera allow for scheduling flexibility for students. This appeals to many students, especially those who work full-time jobs.

Learning-RateLearning Rate

No two students advance at the same speed. Online learning methods allow them to study some courses more completely or devote more time to the more difficult ones.

Numerous-CoursesNumerous Courses

Students can sign up for numerous courses at once using an app like Udemy, allowing them to pick up several skills at once.


Online courses cost a lot less than traditional classroom courses. Also, because they do not need to travel from another location, pupils are not obliged to pay for hotel or transportation.

Although virtual education has many benefits and great promises, it is not without flaws.


Absence-of-real-time-communicationAbsence of Real-Time Communication

How well information is received depends on face-to-face interactions. Lack of such communication may reduce students’ satisfaction and subject knowledge.

Over-reliance-on-technologyOver-Reliance on Technology

Using technology as a middleman in any interaction between students and teachers could affect the precision with which evaluations are conducted and the efficiency with which lessons are delivered.

Self-control is necessary because those who have trouble managing their time may find that having more freedom with their schedules actually works against them. If a student doesn’t have a solid weekly routine, they might skip class.

Others may include:

  • Lack of feedback from trainers
  • Quality of content
  • Reliance on technology

If you want to build your own platform, you must consider all the above possible minuses and pluses of the eLearning software for your target. We at Matellio can help you build the perfect software for your perfect business. Request a quote and get the deal in your hands today.


What Makes eLearning Platforms Like Udemy and Coursera So Successful?

You might wonder why platforms like Udemy and Coursera are so popular among users. Well, here are some factors:

  • Advanced technology to offer a better learning experience
  • Extensive database of experts
  • Competitive pricing (including free options)
  • Course-creation toolkit
  • Rating system
  • Content in different languages

Udemy and Coursera are two of the most popular e-learning platforms in the world, and their success can be attributed to many of the key factors:

Wide Range of Course Offerings

Both Udemy and Coursera offer a vast array of courses covering a broad range of topics and disciplines. Learners can find courses on everything from programming and data science to Business and marketing, making it easy to find courses that match their interests and career goals.

High-Quality Content

The courses on Udemy and Coursera are typically created and taught by subject matter experts, professors, and industry professionals who have a deep understanding of the subject matter. This ensures that the content is accurate, relevant, and up-to-date, which is essential for learners who want to gain practical skills and knowledge.

Flexible Learning Options

Udemy and Coursera offer flexible learning options that cater to the needs of different learners. Learners can access courses at their own pace and on their own schedule, which is ideal for busy professionals or those with other commitments. They can also choose from different course formats, such as videos, quizzes, and interactive assignments, to suit their learning preferences.

Affordable Pricing

Udemy and Coursera offer courses at affordable prices, with many courses available for free. This makes it accessible to learners from all backgrounds and levels of education.

Recognition and Certification

Udemy and Coursera courses are recognized and valued by employers and institutions around the world. Many courses also offer certifications or credentials that learners can use to showcase their skills and knowledge to potential employers or clients.

User-Friendly Platform

Both Udemy and Coursera offer user-friendly platforms that are easy to navigate and use. The platforms are designed to make the learning experience as seamless and enjoyable as possible, with features like progress tracking, course recommendations, and community forums.

Overall, the success of Udemy and Coursera can be attributed to their ability to provide high-quality, flexible, and accessible e-learning options that cater to the needs of learners from all backgrounds and skill levels. We can now move to the steps that will lead your idea to be successful.

Also Read: How to Develop AI-based Video Learning Platform?

Develop an eLearning Platform Like Udemy

How to genuinely create an online learning platform that can compete with Udemy? Let me explain to you a few of the simple steps.

eLearning-Platform - -Development-Process

Closely Study Your Niche

The first and foremost thing to ponder before starting with the development of any type of eLearning software is to find a problem worth solving. Until and unless there is not a problem, your platform will not come into play as a vital solution within the market.

Thus, before proceeding, consider the potential value and advantages your product may provide to your users in the future. To define an eLearning software development company idea, you can ask yourself the following questions:

  • What difficulties did you encounter in education?
  • How can you overcome those difficulties?
  • What aspects of the industry you work in can be improved?
  • What potential do you see in other specialized fields?
  • Who are your rivals, and what are their weaknesses?

Reaching out for custom enterprise software development is a fantastic illustration of identifying problems in education and finding a software solution for them.

Outline A Relevant Solution

The next step is to be more specific. Compile your research and create an app idea that is ready for development. Consider the type of eLearning software you want with features carefully.

What type of eLearning platform do you want to develop?

  • Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
  • Online tutoring platform
  • Online employee training
  • Video-based eLearning

What are the must-have features needed to satisfy your future users? Here are some ideas:

  • Tracking and reports
  • Evaluation
  • Virtual classroom
  • User-friendly UI/UX design
  • Social learning tools (e.g., group discussions, forums, personal blogs)
  • High-quality learning resources

Also, choose the tech stack. It affects a variety of crucial areas of the development of your platform, including:

  • The price range and deadlines
  • The platform’s functionality and its APIs
  • Choosing between a website and a mobile app and having them distributed through the Google Play Store, Apple’s App Store, or both (cross-platform apps)

Once you’ve decided on the essential needs for your eLearning platform, you’ll have a better idea of the functionality you need, the funding needed to build the platform, and the features you can add later.

Now, let’s proceed to the next step.

Choose the Right Software Development Partner

The requirements gathering, planning, wireframe design, programming, testing, product release, and subsequent maintenance phases make up the software development process. The most effective approach to handle all of these stages is to work with a skilled tech company like us. We’ll assist you through the entire process and take care of all your development requirements that too at a budgeted price without sacrificing quality. Hiring a full-time developer or an outsourced company are other options you can go for.

Test Your Idea on Real Users

Make your product known by marketing it. Consider how you will draw in your initial customers, students, or teachers. Even if your product is excellent, no one will ever learn about it or take advantage of it without proper branding.

The initial user feedback you receive when testing your product is a crucial component. With this, you’ll comprehend what serves your clients’ needs the finest and what might be improved. This useful information can assist you in scaling up your eLearning platform, differentiating it, and effectively meeting the needs of the learners. We have now reached the final action.

Get Better

Beginning with the core functionality allows for further additions and modifications after you have a better understanding of what your target market actually needs. The key to creating a successful platform is to constantly experiment with new concepts and features that can both address specific issues and enhance the user experience.

When you see that changes are required along the way, don’t be afraid to make them. You must adapt, especially in these uncharted times with COVID-19 on the loose. Keep your product current in a crowded market, make an effort to satisfy fresh demands, and never stop improving.

Allowing a small number of users to use your app will let them test everything out and provide feedback, enabling your team to fix any bugs or usability issues that went undetected. By doing this, you will be prepared to launch a finished product and prevent your development and support teams from becoming overburdened with angry customers.

The process of creating an e-learning platform may be both difficult and rewarding. These stages can be used to build a platform that caters to the demands of your users and aids in their learning objectives.

The Fundamentals of eLearning Software Development

The use of eLearning software is booming. You must concentrate on the essential features that customers of your niche are seeking if you want to boost the likelihood that your eLearning software will be successful. You must also specify the features on which your development team should focus.

To put it another way, you must maximize the eLearning software development process. Failure to do so will probably produce a subpar product. Also, you’ll make poor financial decisions. Finally, and most significantly, it will affect your brand’s reputation.

The essential elements that any process for developing eLearning software should consider are covered in the list below:

  • Understand who your audience is
  • Develop niche-based solutions
  • Offer a clear educational value proposition
  • Leverage technology

Further, here are some fundamental aspects of eLearning software development:

eLearning-Software-Development - -Fundamentals

User-Centered Design

eLearning software should be designed with the end-user in mind. This means considering the needs, preferences, and limitations of learners and instructors when designing the software.

Content Creation and Management

eLearning software needs to provide easy-to-use tools for creating and managing content. This includes authoring tools that allow instructors to create and publish course content, as well as tools for organizing and delivering content to learners.

Assessment and Tracking

eLearning software should provide assessment and tracking capabilities that allow instructors to evaluate learner progress and provide feedback. This can include tools for creating and grading quizzes, tracking participation and completion rates, and generating reports on learner progress.

Interactivity and Engagement

eLearning software should be designed to promote interactivity and engagement among learners. This can include tools for collaboration and communication, interactive activities and exercises, and gamification elements that motivate learners to stay engaged.

Scalability and Reliability

eLearning software should be scalable and reliable, able to handle large numbers of users, and provide a consistent experience across different devices and platforms.

Overall, the key to successful eLearning software development is to create software that meets the needs of both learners and instructors while also being easy to use, scalable, and reliable.


Final Words on eLearning

The demand for eLearning software is growing rapidly, and it is essential to develop an application that is user-friendly, compatible, secure, scalable, and has a built-in analytics system. eLearning software development can be a complex process, but with the right approach and considerations, it can be a rewarding and successful endeavor.

Developing eLearning software is as fascinating as utilizing the products themselves. There is a lot to learn, and there will undoubtedly be many highs and lows, but it will all be worthwhile in the end.

You could want to take into account a mobile or web development solution, depending on what you want to accomplish. You can get assistance from a seasoned app development partner like Matellio in deciding which option is best for your company.

Your business needs technology, but technology is only beneficial if it aids in creating a memorable educational experience. The creation of eLearning software is a fantastic method to harness the power of technology and support user learning. 

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