The business world is always changing. And most companies nowadays are migrating their legacy infrastructures to the cloud and are employing cloud applications to keep up with these changes and innovate and reinvent themselves.
But the key is not just to innovate but to innovate at the right time.
Companies can no longer play the catch-up game; they need to be ready with their innovation when a certain trend takes off. This requires a detailed analysis of the current trends and data to predict which way the market is going. Furthermore, companies need to be able to reinvent and innovate fast so that they can align themselves as trend leaders in the market when the trend comes.
Achieving such agility requires meticulous planning, a flexible working model, and the right cloud services that support innovation and reinvention without causing any drop in profits or operational efficiency. A perfect analogy would be a ship re-engineering its engine and retraining its crew while maintaining its speed.
In a global survey conducted by Accenture of about 4,000 business and IT leaders, 65% of the respondents saw up to 10% cost savings by migrating to the cloud. Furthermore, about 12%-15% of the respondents saw significant profits, even during the COVID-19 pandemic, by continued cloud engagement.
In the wake of the Covid pandemic, most businesses think of the cloud as a perfect launchpad for speedy innovation and better customer engagement.
And in today’s blog, we will see how Cloud Continuum can help your business become future-ready and learn about how you can unleash the true potential of the Cloud Continuum for your business.
Key Takeaways:
What is Cloud Continuum?
Cloud continuum is an assortment of services and capabilities from public, private, hybrid, and edge clouds, all integrated together by cloud-first networks and strong Cloud Continuum standards.
Most businesses these days employ a mix of public, private, and edge clouds according to their needs with little to no interaction between them. It leads to innovation, data, and best practices being siloed in one section of the company, thus reducing the value.
Cloud Continuum takes care of that problem by bringing various clouds together and binding them in a neat packet. With the help of cloud-first, 5G, and software-defined networks, Cloud Continuum allows users to access the cloud from anywhere in the world.
Companies that leverage Continuum using cloud-based technologies enjoy cost reduction, increased marketing speed, and sales growth by cross-selling and up-selling.
Also Read: Cloud Migration Strategy: Driving Your Business Growth
Becoming a Continuum Competitor
Companies that create their technology foundation on Cloud Continuum are called continuum competitors. These companies don’t simply use cloud services to meet a present demand but create a strong platform to launch future innovations and reinventions.
By using Cloud Continuum, these companies make themselves future-proof. No matter which way the business world now goes, they have the agility to bring about rapid innovations without bringing their operations to a halt.
Continuum competitors place themselves in an advantageous position in the market in two ways. First, they pick the right kind of cloud and cloud-based services for their business. And then, they implement the best management practices to ensure that their investments pay off and that they are making the most of their cloud implementation.
With the help of Cloud Continuum, these companies can reimagine and reinvent themselves by continuous innovation and various cloud services that work seamlessly across the Continuum. It lets these companies change how they engage with their customers, employees, and partners, build and maintain their IT infrastructure, and manage their data.
Cloud Continuum allows businesses to gain a substantial edge over their competitors in the market. Accenture found out in their study that cloud competitors see 1.2x-1.7x greater cost reduction than the companies that migrated to a certain type of cloud.
Obstacles That Prevent Companies from Migration to the Cloud
While the benefits of cloud migration are clear enough, most companies don’t realize that it’s by no means an easy job. Given below are some of the biggest obstacles that prevent companies from migrating to the cloud:
- Migrating a business while keeping it in operation is especially difficult because it takes meticulous planning and a deft hand to ensure that the company’s operational efficiency doesn’t go down. This calls for a fragmented approach. The entire legacy infrastructure isn’t migrated at the same time but instead in phases so that the company can keep functioning.
- Apart from planning the migration, significant retraining of the workforce is required. For cloud migration to be successful, the people in a company need to be savvy with the new infrastructure. That is why carefully planned training programs are required in which the employees are tutored on how to use the new infrastructure efficiently.
- Another obstacle is the loss of data. While moving data from on-premise data centers to the cloud, sometimes chunks are corrupted, compromised, or flat out lost. There is really nothing anybody can do about this other than planning and being very careful while the data is being transferred.
- Business and infrastructure complexity is also a big hurdle in cloud migration. Some businesses are far too distributed and complex to be migrated to the cloud. Furthermore, the cost of migration in these cases trumps the benefits, and as a result, companies shy from migrating. But what needs to be kept in mind here is that Cloud Continuum isn’t just about the present; it is a way to make sure that you can keep up with the business world in the future. So this investment might not seem worth the price tag at the moment, but when you consider the benefits it will have in the future, you will gladly invest.
- Miscommunication and misalignment between the business and IT sides of a company aren’t rare. Every big company eventually faces a situation where they either have too much horsepower or not enough. This means either the company is spending too much money on services it doesn’t need, thus increasing the expenses, or it is not spending enough, which is hurting the company’s efficiency. Either way, companies need to keep in mind that the Cloud Continuum is full of highly scalable services. They can increase and decrease their resources according to their changing needs, thus ensuring they have the right resources and in the right amount to do the job.
Driving Your Business to Success with the Right Cloud Approach
Every business is different, and it needs to find the right balance in its cloud arsenal, pick the right services and tools to ensure that there is neither any wastage of money and resources nor is there a lack of power to function optimally.
But cloud migration is more than just about saving money. At its heart, Cloud Continuum is about speedy innovation and using flexible practices to harness the most out of your cloud practices. It is about using the cloud to make your business future-proof. With that in mind, here are the four things you need to drive your business to success with the right cloud approach:
Know Your Goals
Before you move on with your cloud migration, you need to get your priorities straight and come up with a game plan. Cloud Continuum is a collection of a vast number of cloud services, and not all of them are for you or your business. So, in order to prevent any capital wastage, you need to:
- Make a vision statement and clearly define your future goals and expectations.
- Identify your vulnerabilities and shortcomings and find out where your competitors excel.
- Take a look at your current company infrastructure and talent pool and then compare it with where you want to be in the future. This will help you figure out how much work is to be done, what areas of the business must be adjusted or completely revamped, and what new talent and capabilities you need to add to your company.
Establish then Enhance
Once you have successfully migrated your business to the cloud, it’s time to enhance your business. Cloud Continuum gives a platform for businesses to innovate quickly without bringing their operations to a screeching halt. This flexibility opens new doorways and offers new opportunities for companies to reinvent and better place themselves in the market.
To truly boost your growth and revenue, you need to go the extra mile and build on the cloud, use AI to get market insights and build better business strategies, etc. Cloud Continuum gives you a fantastic set of tools, and your job is to use them to drive your business to success.
Provide Exceptional Experiences
One of the most significant drivers for cloud migration is providing a great experience to both employees and customers. When employees enjoy using infrastructure, that is when things are streamlined and fine-tuned to let them do their jobs without much hassle, the efficiency goes up. On the other hand, if you are giving your customers a great experience, like a chatbot, you are placing yourself in their good graces, thus enhancing your reputation. According to the study conducted by Accenture, more than 90% of continuum competitors in North America are using the cloud to enhance collaboration between employees and encourage ambitious projects.
Stay Committed to the strategy
Realizing the benefits of the Continuum is one thing. But leaders must keep in mind that they don’t go overboard. Your cloud adoption must always be in alignment with your business goals. It would be best if you never let your Continuum ambitions become a hindrance to your strategic priorities.
Furthermore, leaders must convey company goals to the rest of the staff. When everyone is aware of where the company is headed and what the endgame is, everybody starts committing to the strategy, and the scope for errors or inefficient adoption dwindles. People at the top must focus on laying down the business goals so that the entire company can be on the same page and all departments can work together to achieve those goals.
Also Read- What is Cloud Business Intelligence and How It Helps Businesses Grow?
To truly drive your business to success, you must start making long-term plans and innovate. Cloud Continuum not only allows you to make considerable savings but also gives you a platform to re-engineer and reinvent your business while keeping it running.
Such agility mixed with a wide selection of cloud services and products helps businesses create a custom cloud migration and enhancement approach, one that fits them perfectly. Since Cloud Continuum brings together various types of clouds, it eliminates the problem of silos within a company and keeps all departments in perfect sync.
Continuum Competitors are the trailblazers. And using cloud-based technologies such as PaaS, 5G, AI/ML, etc., they are making smart factories, sustainable products, and efficient supply chains.
If you are looking to leverage Cloud Continuum and build custom cloud-based software for your business, then look no further because Matellio has the experience and the talent to help you. With cutting-edge technology and a deep understanding of the Cloud Continuum, we know how to craft cloud-based tools that can help you drive your business to new heights of success.
Are you looking to hire a cloud app developer? Contact us and book a free consultation.